I’m a little late in writing and posting this. So I’m just going to backdate it and pretend I’m not behind…. And that it’s not already the second week of January…. Guh!
2019 has been a whirlwind year for the Urie family.

The first several months of the year were concentrated on keeping myself and the twins alive and in preparing for the twins’ debut.
Jonathan basically spent my entire pregnancy as a single parent to 4 children (I was child #4). He worked, made dinner, cleaned the house, did the grocery shopping, and put up with a lot of crying (mostly mine, though the kids contributed as well). This year alone qualifies him for sainthood.

For the last part of my pregnancy, we were so blessed to alternately have my mom and Jonathan’s mom come and keep our household running. We couldn’t have done it without them.
After the twins were born things significantly looked up for the Urie‘s. The babies were born, healthy, at 37.5 weeks. Isaac was 6 lbs. 10 oz. and Evie was 7 lbs. 4 oz.

…is a manager in the IT department at Zillow. Naturally, he is killing it.
…started learning to play the guitar (acoustic and electric), while I was pregnant. Because I was super boring and went to bed by 8 most nights. I’m telling you, the man deserves sainthood.
…began an Executive MBA in September.
…has an exceptional beard. (I might have named it Stanley.)
…has been expanding his cooking skills and repertoire (Yay YouTube!) Everything he makes is amaze-balls. But, he makes especially awesome deep dish pizza.
…is totally digging his electric bike.
…is an Enneagram 2w3. We finally figured it out!
…Tends to steal the covers. I love him anyway.

…could use a few extra hours of time and sleep per day.
…is sometimes inclined to being bossy. The peeps love me anyway.
…is an enneagram 1. Like, no question.
…started an instagram account started in September, @comefollowmeinsights, where I post thoughts from my Come Follow Me studies.
…wants to burn the collective possessions of her family. They love me anyway.
…changed approximately 180,000 diapers and washed 4000 blowouts out of baby clothes. I love those children anyway.

…will be turning eight soon and is preparing to get baptized.
…LOVES to read. And while this makes her parents so happy, it does mean that she sometimes shirks her other responsibilities. We love her anyway.
….(when her nose isn’t in a book) can be found doing art, making checklists, or organizing activities for her brothers.
…is taking violin lessons, just started playing basketball, and is doing the typing club and running club at her school. Her mother tries to teach her piano lessons on occasion… All these activities might kill her poor mother.
…and all of her activities have turned me into a full-time cabbie.
…is the best oldest child on the planet.
…inexplicably leaves clothing all over the house. We love her anyway.

*started kindergarten this year and is Mr. Congeniality. He loves everyone. and they tend to reciprocate.
*is taking violin lessons and the occasional piano lesson when his mom is on the ball and actually teaches him…
*is a rather klutzy fellow. He trips over and runs into everything. We laugh and love him anyway.
*loves to tinker and build with marble runs, Legos, magnet toys, and whatever else he can get his hands on.
*just turned six.
*he is our early bird and tends to be up at ridiculous hours. We love him anyway.

…is 3 years old. Hold me. We love him anyway.
…began 2019 only able to say a couple words. Mostly he communicated by pointing, “honking” (as we called it), and crying.
…killed it in speech therapy. And now we can’t get him to be quiet. He seems to be making up for lost time.
…loves to orbit his mom, jabbering her ear off. We love him anyway.
…loves books and playing with his older siblings.
…is not yet potty trained. We love him anyway. We are hoping that he will get on that particular train (HA!) when we’re in the new house.

*is seven months old.
*surprisingly, is a redhead and has blue eyes. And it looks like he will keep both.
*loves to pull Evie’s hair. We love him anyway.
*is Mr. Mellow.
*has two teeth and generally uses them responsibly. Even when he doesn’t, we love him anyway.

*is also seven months old
*is the standard Urie model in terms of looks.
*loves to yank Isaac’s ears. We love her anyway.
*is very squishy.
*is a busy baby.
*is going to be crawling in the next day or two.

In other news, we are in the process of moving into a house!! Some good friends offered to have us rent their house while they live in DC for 2 years for work. We said heck to the yes. We’re excited to have a backyard for the first time. Plus another bedroom and just more space overall. And to not share walls. Hallelujah!
And if anyone out there is wondering if it’s crazy to move with five children (seven and under including seven-month-old twins) The answer is yes. It might just kill me. We are hoping to get the move over with quickly so we can move on with our lives.

Jonathan and I are also coming up on our 10 year anniversary. #thatwentfast. The past 10 years have been wonderful and beautiful and just plain full!! We are so lucky to have each other.
Overall we are extremely blessed. (And because of the move, a bit stressed.) And possibly in need of rest.