2022 Urie Family Newsletter

This has been quite the year for the Urie family.

We spent the year “nomading” around the eastern US. It was super amazing and also super challenging. We have seen and experienced a lot; and we have had A LOT of togetherness (which is mostly a good thing 🤪)

After the holidays, our plan is to head back to the Seattle area and we’ll start house hunting. Wish us luck! And come visit!


Jonathan recently started a new job. He is now working at Amazon, in the AWS (Amazon Web Services) organization. It has been a good and challenging move for him so far.

Earlier this year, he tried to cut off his finger with a butter knife. It didn’t work. But it sure bled a lot. (0/5 stars would not recommend.)

A couple of his favorite things from this year:
1. NYC with the three older kids
2. New Hampshire
3. Georgia Aquarium


Well let’s just say this was a year of growth for me. And a year of learning to be flexible. Also, a year of learning to REALLY focus on what matters. And learning to let go of what doesn’t matter… I don’t think I need to learn anything else. Ever again. Ever. Ever. Also, so much laundry.

A couple of my favorite things from this year:
1. The botanical gardens that I dragged everyone to…
2. Lots of nature

Clara (almost 11 years)

Clara has developed two passions this year: birds and art; she is always drawing something: usually dragons or birds or sometimes even dragonbirds. She has continued to learn the violin and can often be found with her nose stuck in a book. She is her dad’s running buddy and they did a 5K on Thanksgiving morning with some of the Urie cousins. (Note: Jonathan did this despite having puked at 2 am the night before, and having a stomach bug the rest of the day. He’s tough. And a little bit crazy.)

A couple of Clara’s favorite things from this year:
1. Feeding the lorikeets at the Zoo
2. The bunny that lived on the property at our Maine Airbnb
3. Swimming in the Mt. Pemigewasset river

Jonas (almost 9 years)

Jonas was baptized around Christmas last year and for his 8th birthday, he went to Harry Potter world (at Universal Studios) with his dad. He still loves to read, has continued learning to play the violin, and has developed a passion for coding this year.

A couple of his favorite things from this year:
1. The Rattlesnake museum
2. Georgia Aquarium
3. Atlanta Botanical Garden
4. Going to NYC with dad

Logan (6.5 years)

Logan has become a voracious reader this year. He is currently digging Minecraft, the color red, and frogs continue to be his favorite animal. He has many frog toys (Some of their names are Ferg, Ferg Jr, King Ferg, Emperor Ferg, and…. Cute Overlord 🤣).

A couple of Logan’s favorite things from this year:
1. He was delighted to see a Strawberry Poison dart frog IN PERSON.
2. Going frog catching with his siblings

I’m telling you, the guy loves frogs.

Isaac (3.5)

His hair is still red and he has the temperament to match. He’s fiery and passionate. And he screams when he doesn’t get his way. So, he screams a lot. He is also a little tinkerer; his happy place is clasping clasps, buckling buckles, hooking hooks, and pushing buttons (like, literal ones, although he does plenty of metaphorical button pushing too). He is currently obsessed with dinosaurs and cars and, inexplicably, a plastic rotisserie chicken? He loves McDonald’s chicken nuggets and Chick Fil A sauce.

A couple of his favorite things on the nomad year (based on what he still talks about):
1. His birthday
2. The Capitol building & the Washington Monument (I have no idea why they made such an impression on him 🤨🧐)
3. The lake beach
4. The aquarium

Evie (3.5)

Evie keeps us on our toes. She cuts her own hair (and eyelashes! Send help!) She colors on furniture (not great when you’re in an Airbnb), walls (ditto), and herself (it washes off right?). She also says the funniest things; and she has the sass of a teenager. (Send help!) She loves anything pink and sparkly.

A couple of her favorite things from this year (based on what she still talks about):
1. JustDance
2. Her birthday
3. Her princess dress
4. Her unicorn Halloween costume

Basically, it’s been a year of lots of love, laundry, birds, dragons, driving, drive throughs, dishes, and noise. We feel incredibly blessed (and slightly crazed 🤪🤪 )

We feel incredibly blessed to have all of you in our lives!

Love to you all this Holiday Season,

The Urie Family

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