A Few Vignettes

This is going to be a very random post. 🤪🤪

Martin’s BBQ

My brother Josh and his wife, Kristin, recommended a barbecue place in the downtown Nashville area called Martin’s BBQ. And so one day, we decided to go for an early dinner (to miss the crowds).

And miss the crowds we did. We pretty much had the place to ourselves when we first arrived. #win

It was delicious food. We all enjoyed it.


Unfortunately, a few of the children got sick. And our car brakes were in desperate need of repair. So, we were by necessity stuck at home for several days.

But, we managed to keep ourselves busy with various activities and shenanigans:

Reading Party

One of our favorite quiet things to do. Everyone grabs their kindle or other reading device or an audiobook and we all just enjoy our books.

It’s basically the best kind of party ever. I love that the kids love to read.

Violin Concert with Grandmothers

Jonas and Clara, for their violin practice one day, FaceTimed their Grandmas and played their current songs as well as a few favorites. A good time was had by all.

They really are improving so much. It’s cool to see.

Thanks for providing some extra motivation Grammy and Grandma Urie!

Krispy Kreme

One of the days we were at home, it was rather rainy. And so the kids pulled all the ads out of the mailbox in front of the house and cut out all the coupons they could find.

It was the most random activity ever. But it sure kept them busy and happy for a couple hours.

They found some coupons for Krispy Kreme. And then, they told Evie about the donut coupons.

Unsurprisingly, Jonathan was convinced that he should go buy donuts, cause he is a big ol’ softy. So, off they went.

They got the whole experience: hats, and shortly after they arrived the assembly line began, and of course the donuts. They loved every part of their little outing.

Playground with Dad

One particular day Clara, Jonas, and Logan were all feeling a little bit of cabin fever. They were just bouncing off the walls. And Jonathan happened to have a short break in his schedule, so he took them to the park and I stayed at the peaceful house while the twins slept.

Spring in Nashville is beautiful as you can see:


Just a few random pictures.

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