A Run-in With the Law (01/27/22)

While I was sick, it became necessary for Jonathan and the kids to make a trip to the Sheriff’s office.

It turns out, that after our little trip to the Destin fishing museum last week, I loaded up the kids in the car. And left the stroller (and all the gear that was on the stroller) on the street next to our parking spot. #facepalm Given that we have been quarantined, we hadn’t missed the stroller for several days. But, Clara realized her backpack was missing. And thus the search began.

The nice people at the museum noticed the stroller on the street, and kept an eye on it for a while. But when closing time came, they walked it to the little police station which happened to be across the street. The museum was going to be closed for a few days and they wanted us to be able to get it back should we come looking for it.

The police then transferred the stroller (and all of its contents) to the evidence locker at the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s office. And thither went Jonathan and the kids to retrieve the items in question.

Thank you for asking, I stayed home and died/slept like the dead.

All of the contents of the stroller were wrapped up in red evidence tape and we have an offense number, which everyone got a kick out of.

After retrieving everything, Jonathan and the kids went to McDonald’s for celebratory McFlurries. And then they decided to go to the beach.

Thank you for asking, I stayed home and died/slept like the dead.

They stayed long enough that they got to see a beautiful sunset. And that was that.

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