Acadia National Park & Bar Harbor Day 1 (06.18.22)

A while back we decided to spend a weekend in Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. It is about a three hour drive from our Airbnb to our motel. On our way there, we got Chipotle.

We arrived at our motel and we were VERY pleasantly surprised by what we got. (Sometimes you just can’t tell online, let’s be honest). It was an awesome place. The rooms were clean and spacious. And there was even a heated pool

So, even though it was bedtime, we all got in our swimsuits and went for a quick swim. Well, I didn’t actually get wet. I admit it. The pool was relatively heated, but the air was quite cold, and I just wasn’t feeling it.

The next morning, we went for breakfast in the lobby, and again, we were very pleasantly surprised. That was probably the best continental breakfast I’ve ever experienced.

One of the great parts about hour hotel is that it is only 3 miles from the entrance of Acadia. And so, we made our way there and stopped real quick at the Visitor’s center.

To be honest, I hadn’t done a ton of research about Acadia (our Airbnb internet is CRAZY slow. Practically dial up). So, Jonathan went and talked to the park rangers.

After we determined what we wanted to do, we started driving there. Acadia NP is incredibly beautiful.

We opted to begin our adventure in Acadia by doing the Coastal Walk between Thunder Hole and Sand beach. It was pretty busy, but we eventually found parking somewhere between the two places, and so we opted to walk in the direction of Thunder Hole for now.

The Coastal Walk was INCREDIBLY beautiful. It ended up being one of my favorite parts of this whole trip. This is what you picture when you hear about the Maine coast.

Thunder Hole is so named because there is a small cavern in in the inlet, and when the circumstances are right, the waves rush into the cavern, and force air out and it sounds like a clap of thunder, and the water can spout up to 40 feet. We were there when it was being fairly noisy, but not exactly thundering.

All the same, we definitely enjoyed it and it was still pretty loud.

After Thunder Hole, we walked back along. Everyone was getting hungry, so we stopped at the car and got snacks right there.

At this point, we decided to send Jonathan, Clara and Jonas on to a cool hike that would be too much for the younger contingent: The Beehive. It is one of Acadia’s famous rung and ladder trails. So it’s definitely more adventurous and it has a spectacular view!

Logan, the twins and I went on a drive to see some more sights. And eventually the twins fell asleep in their chairs. Hooray. And then we went back and waited in the parking lot for the others to get back. We didn’t have any cell coverage so we had to be sure not to miss them!

After the adventure crew returned we were all pretty dang hungry. So, we drove in to Bar Harbor. We stopped at a couple of little shops and then we went to the Bar Harbor Inn Terrace Grille for a late lunch/early dinner.

We sat right next to the water and had incredible views. And the food was delicious. And since we are in Maine, we got seafood: Lobster roll, clam chowder, and fish tacos. And the pasta was shaped like lobsters, so that counts as seafood too, right? Seriously. Such good food. We splurged on mocktails and dessert as well. And then we rolled back to the car.

And of course, the kids wanted to go swimming again. Hallelujah for heated pools!! Tonight we pretty much had the place to ourselves.

It was a long and glorious day. And Evie finished off our evening with a long and glorious tantrum. 😆😆

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