Acadia National Park & Bar Harbor Day 2 (06.19.22)

The continental breakfast at this place was probably the best continental breakfast I’ve ever had. I’m not actually a huge fan of continental breakfasts usually. But this was great. There were lots of things that catered toward a more European palate, which I am totally into. There were quite a few Europeans that stayed here at the same time that we did.

Eventually we got on the road. (Someone may have spent a little longer than she should have working on the blog because our internet here was orders of magnitude better than at the Airbnb.)

The contingent that did the Beehive hike yesterday insisted that I do it today. And Clara insisted on coming with me. Lots of insisting.

Who am I to resist all of the insisting? So, Jonathan, the boys and Evie did their own thing and Clara and I went and did the Beehive. It was as awesome as they had said. Although it was a drizzly day today.

It was an awesome hike. It gave me some Angel’s Landing vibes (one of my favorite hikes in Zion National Park.)

The views were amazing. And it was really fun to do it with Clara. She’s a good adventuring buddy. We both really enjoyed ourselves.

After finishing the hike, Clara and I went and found the rest of the family.

And then we made our way to our next destination: Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse. It was an hour-long drive and we got to enjoy the magnificent scenery all along the way. It was so beautiful. Acadia National Park is magnificent!!

Eventually we got to the lighthouse. We had to wait a bit for a parking spot. (It’s a pretty small parking lot) but eventually we got one and we headed down the trail. And as we were walking on the trail, it gave us some major Pacific Northwest vibes: misty rain, green and beautiful. It honestly made us feel a little homesick.

Once the trail reached the ocean, it felt like Acadia again.

You can’t actually get very close to the lighthouse (which we hadn’t known before) and there is no public access to the interior. But there are lovely views of it from the coast. We only stayed for a little bit, since it was a little treacherous climbing around on all the slippery rocks with all the short legs in our group.

After the lighthouse, we started the 3 hour drive back to our Airbnb.

We arrived and did a small Father’s Day celebration. And since we don’t have wrapping paper, we zipped his Jonathan’s presents into layers and layers of packing cubes. 😈😈

He’s a good sport. And an amazing father. I’m such a lucky gal. ❤️❤️

This was an amazing weekend. What a beautiful world we live in

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