Apparently, Mississippi! (Jan 5)

A couple of days ago, we booked a bayou tour, since it was on our way from New Orleans to Miramar Beach. And we just wanted to get a bit of the Bayou experience while we were in this neck of the woods.

But with Clara’s ear feeling the way it was, we weren’t sure that it was going to happen.

Miraculously, she woke up and was feeling a million times better. After a single dose of the antibiotic! Her hearing was still bit sketchy in that ear, but it wasn’t painful. We were incredibly grateful. And surprised, frankly.

NOLA mural

She assured us that she was feeling up to a Bayou tour and so we decided to go for it! But first, on our way out of town, we dropped by the ‘Greetings from NOLA mural’. Cause it’s freaking cute. And we’re freaking cute. So, obviously it needed to happen.

Raising Cane’s

For lunch, we stopped at another Southern institution: Raising Cane’s chicken fingers. It was most excellent. Also, it is a shame we have picky eaters. We would have been just fine ordering drinks only for certain children. On an unrelated note, would anyone like an 8-year-old, a 5-year-old and/or a 2-year-old? (It’s a buy one get one on the two year olds)

The Bayou Tour

After lunch, Jonathan had a couple of quick work meetings, which he took in the car, but after that, we were off to do our tour! And it turns out, the tour was in Mississippi. We did not realize that. But it was kinda awesome. Cause now we have been to Mississippi, we didn’t just drive through it! Cute! We went and checked in at the desk, and shortly thereafter, we were able to board!

We obviously got to see some scenery, but we also got to see some wildlife. I took really good notes. As you will soon find out.

Flora and Fauna (and we were merry because the weather was fine)

After we spent some time checking out the main part of the Bayou, Wade, our guide took us a little further downstream toward the estuary, where the fresh water and salt water start mixing. You end up with a completely different set of plants.

Estuary time

After we toured the main part of the bayou, our guide took us a couple miles downstream, so that we could see the estuary, where the salt water and fresh water start mixing. It’s amazing what a difference you see over such a short distance. The plants are completely different.

Much of the wildlife is the same. It was lovely. But, by this point, the twins were really started to get crazy. As awesome as everything was, we were kinda relieved to be nearing the end.

An Unexpectedly awesome part of the tour

One of the unexpectedly interesting parts of the tour was seeing some of the evidence of hurricanes.

We definitely enjoyed the tour, even if the wildlife was feeling a bit shy. I’m pretty happy that we didn’t see any snakes…not gonna lie.

After we finished up our tour, we hopped in the car and we were off to Florida!

2 Replies to “Apparently, Mississippi! (Jan 5)”

  1. Love all of this so much. Keep up the great work. Miss by grandbabies and you. Be safe!

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