Atlanta (02/22-27/22)

Jonathan was out of town Monday evening through Thursday evening; So we kept things pretty low key. at the beginning of the week. Cause 5 kids vs. 1 adult. We all know who wins in this scenario.

Lionel Hampton Park (02/24/22- Thurs)

Jonathan was to fly in from New Jersey at about 5 pm today. And so, to get some anticipation wiggles out, we went to a park before lunch. We decided to give Lionel Hampton Park a try, and it was probably the best park we’ve been to since starting our nomad year.

It is right on a greenway trail, and so it is nestled in a little forest. And it’s not right off the road, so you have to walk a bit to get to it. But that was fine with us. We saw some walkers, but other than that we had the place to ourselves. #winning

At one point, Jonas decided that he was too hot. Off with his shirt. And then Logan decided that he was also too hot. Off with his shirt. Next thing I knew, Evie was shirtless too. These kids are such northerners. They’re fine with cold, but not heat. And when I say heat, I think it was in the high 60s? Ruh-diclous.

The 🎶 Aquarium 🎶 Part II- 02/25- Friday

I will freely admit that this outing was a little bit too ambitious. When we go back to the aquarium (🎶) again, we’ll go when the twins are napping. (Which kills two birds with one stone: no stroller and no twins)

Since it was so busy the first time we went to the aquarium (🎶) , we completely missed some things. (It was still busy. Busier than I expected. But not as bad) Including a huge jellyfish tank right as you enter.

Next, we went to the tropical fish section again. Cause it was just so awesome.

And then the Ocean Voyager tank. The kids had a great time on the moving sidewalk (which they didn’t realize was there the first time we went to the aquarium because it was so busy).

Also, the touch pools were actually open. Though there weren’t very many animals to touch. And the ones that were available were all hiding at the back (not that I blame them)

Our last stop was the dolphin coast. And we had opted to do another show since we enjoyed it so much the first time. This was to be our final activity of the outing. The auditorium is on the 2nd floor. To reach it, there are stairs, an escalator, and a single elevator. And so, on the way up, the line for the elevator was nuts, so I just brought the stroller up the escalator. Easy peasy.

On the way back down, the line was even crazier for the elevator. And I didn’t want to be in line for 20 minutes. I should’ve just been patient…. (Cue the ominous music)

Instead, I entrusted Isaac to Jonas, and Evie to Clara and told them and Logan to go down on the escalator. And I started to carry the stroller down the stairs. And so I got to watch everything unfold, but could do nothing about it. 🙁

Isaac fell down as soon as he stepped onto the escalator. And so, he screamed his head off, all the way down.

Evie was doing fine, but then chickened out at the last second and refused to step onto the escalator. Meanwhile, Clara had already gotten onto the escalator, and she was several steps down and moving. And so she frantically started climbing back to the top. And meanwhile, Evie had started screaming. And there were people waiting for Evie and Clara to figure things out. Clara made it to the top, and grabbed Evie who proceeded to scream her head off, all the way down. Logan managed to get down the escalator with zero incidents.

When Isaac got to the bottom, he was still sitting and screaming, and a complete stranger had to help him get off the escalator before it ate him.

I tell you what, parent of the year, right here. The moral of the story: Leave the twins and the stroller at home. You will be happier. And less judged. (Thank goodness for such a helpful Clara and Jonas! And also a self-sufficient Logan.)

We then went home. And Jonathan had made the kids lunch. Because he is the best man in the whole wide world. And then we had pizza for dinner.

02/26/22- Saturday

The Atlanta History Center- check out that post here



Then, we had a family over. Alec is finishing up his PhD; he and his wife, Jolene have two little boys. We met them in the Atlanta ward, and they are actually moving to Seattle, so we invited them over for dinner and talked Seattle. It was a lovely time. And Evie had a great time bossing their two boys around.

What a week!

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