Atlanta Botanical Garden, Pt 1 (03/05/22)

So. Fair warning. There are a LOT of pictures in this post. (Which is why it is split into two posts, it still might be slow to load. But that should help.)

At some point, you will probably start thinking “Man, she must have included every single picture she took, (…and that Jonathan took… and that Clara took)” and honestly, you wouldn’t be too far off.

The Atlanta Botanical Garden (ABG) is just that freaking amazing. And there was so much goodness EVERYWHERE. #NewFavoritePlace

And, we came at a really good time, all the early spring flowers were in bloom and it was just lovely. The trees were still on the bare side, but the FLOWERS… 🤩🤩🤩

We started by walking down Camellia Walk (which was in bloom and so beautiful!) towards one of the best known features of the ABG…

…The Earth Goddess! It is a 20-ft living sculpture in the shape of a woman. Obviously, the plants haven’t grown in yet, but it was still pretty impressive to see. I’m sure it’s incredible when it is completely grown in. (At Christmas time, she’s covered in lights!)

Next up was the woodland ramble, which, as near as I can tell is some natural Georgia woodland that has been allowed to just do its own delightful thing. The trees were bare, but it was still a lovely spot.

The walkway is a boardwalk (I love boardwalks) and all along the way are fountains, pots of flowers, lovely plants, benches, and water features.

The woodland ramble took us down to the Water Mirror. Which features a Chihuly glass sculpture.

I was so proud that I recognized it as a Chihuly without having to read the plaque! Dale Chihuly is a Seattle/Tacoma-based glass artist, and Seattle Center has an entire museum dedicated to his work (I’ve been there a few times, and it’s amazing!!)

Next, we went on the Kendeda Canopy walk, it is a 600-ft long suspension bridge that goes over the ramble that we had just walked through. In some places it is up to 40 feet in the air.

We arrived back near the entrance of the ABG and decided to go check out the Conservatory, but of course there were other lovely things to check out along the way. Including some amazing flowers.

We also passed through the Levy Parterre.

Parterre. That is a word that will now be entered into my lexicon. It refers to a symmetrically designed garden that uses border plants such as boxwoods to help create a formal design, but they also contain more informal beds too.

At the center of this particular parterre is a fountain topped by another Chihuly sculpture. For a while, the Botanical Garden had an entire exhibition going on with 20 Chihuly pieces and installations. Most of the pieces are now gone. But there are three pieces that are now permanent features of the garden.

As we exited the parterre and walked toward the great lawn, there was a walkway lined with beautiful trees. And at the end of the walkway, we saw a lovely shaded spot with benches and we decided to sit down and have a little snack.

To no one’s surprise, the children made their way to the fountain to play in it. Cause that is just what they do.

While we partook of our snack, we had some entertainment: some Tai Chi-ers, and a construction helicopter doing its thing in the background. (That was surprisingly interesting)

After our refreshment, we continued on to the CONSERVATORY!!!! Aka my happy place. Aka Heaven. Aka the Celestial Kingdom.

…. I know it’s a cliffhanger. And here’s GIF to help you feel better:

jimmy fallon thank you notes GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon makes everything better.

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