Today was a our first full day in Baguio. And, I LOVE IT HERE!!! We woke up this morning to fog!! That means it is freaking cool enough for fog to exist!!! Oh, sweet relief!!! Plus, I just love fog, it reminds me of home.

Because yesterday was absurdly draining, we decided to take things slowly this morning. About an hour after we all woke up, we realized that it was my birthday. I have never legitimately forgotten my birthday before. Our sense of dates and time has been seriously off since we left Manila.

Breakfast wasn’t included at the hotel, but we had a kitchenette so Jonathan and the two older kids went off to get some breakfast food to last us while we are here in Baguio. They also managed to find Krispy Kreme donuts. (Cause, birthday.)

After a healthy breakfast (HA!), we headed over to Burnham park. It is a lovely place. We started by letting the kids play at the playground for a bit.

I took this picture of Clara while we were there. And while I’m not quite sure what happened with the color (#photographynovice), it is one of my favorite pictures of her….ever. She just looks lovely in it.

It was a lovely and relaxing time. And the kids loved roaming without us breathing down their necks.

After playing at the playground, we went over to the bike track and rented bikes for the older kids and a surrey for the rest of us. It took a while to get everyone situated. In mom-speak, that means that ‘there were many tears’.

Clara absolutely had to have a pink bike. But, the pink bike she tried was a little small and so she repeatedly banged her knees on the handlebars. Many tears.

Juju couldn’t quite pedal his. Tears. So many tears.

Eventually he decided that he’d had enough and just jumped on the surrey with us old people and Logan.
Ok this picture of Clara kills me. She decided (without informing us) that we were going to have a little race. She is dead-set on winning. And…… when we beat her, there were more tears. It’s hard to be a little person. We’re terrible people.

One of my favorite parts about Burnham park is the pond in the middle. It has lovely landscaping all around and lots of little boats for hire.

You better believe that we did that! We got out into the middle and basically just went in circles for half an hour because we have very helpful small people.

And I got one of my favorite pictures of Jonathan…ever. Basically, everyone was super photogenic today. Way to go team. #HeIsSoHot
We wandered around some more. But, by this point, we had been out in the sun a good portion of the day, and everyone was tired, so we headed back to our hotel room.
For dinner, we got some pizza to go and went back and ate in our sweet suite. It was a lovely day (despite all the tears 🙂