Book Wheelbarrows & Camping (08.12-18.2024)

MONDAY- 08.12.24

A low key day at home. Chores. Instruments. Outside time. Shenanigans.

TUESDAY- 08.13.24

Today, I went to a Relief Society luncheon. I was about 25 years younger than everyone else there, but I had a great time. It was awesome. And I always love a good potluck.

I made a recipe that used some of the cherry tomatoes from our garden, and I found this funny little guy:

In the afternoon, the kids and I went to the library. Clara checked out nearly every book she saw. I believe the words “book wheelbarrow” were uttered at least 3 times.

The younger kids did a scavenger hunt throughout the library, which was surprisingly challenging. They persevered and managed to get the prize.

And we all turned in our Summer Reading charts and got prizes including free admission to the zoo/aquarium which we are very excited about.

Logan had his guitar lesson this evening. And Isaac was not allowed to accompany him and dad:

Clara had YW.

Poor Jonathan has quite the to do list at the moment, and it isn’t anything that I can help with. Poor fella.

WEDNESDAY (08.13.24)

Clara and Jonas had their orthodontist appointments this morning. And then we went and ran several errands.

In the afternoon, our friend Emily and her kids Annabelle and Aaron came over and we hung out for a while. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to chat with Emily, so that was fun.

Clara and Jonas had violin lessons

THURSDAY (08.14.24)

This morning, during outside time, a tiny little bird flew into one of our windows, right where the kids were hanging out. So, of course, our bird nerd/Disney princess went and picked it up. Fortunately, the birdie just seemed to be a bit dazed because it flew away not long after.

In the afternoon, Clara and Jonas had their buddies Hudson and Brennan over . They went and played outside and did some stuff outside and then they did some Minecraft.

And then it was Mom’s night off. TACO TIME!

FRIDAY 08.16.2024

We had our dental extravaganza this morning. We all have appointments at the same time and basically have the place to ourselves for two hours. I really like not having to make multiple trips. It’s great. And the staff is absolutely amazing. We love them. The kids actually like going to the dentist!

Also, no cavities!!! Huzzah!

After the dental extravaganza was concluded, we went home, packed up and drove to Ensign Ranch to camp with our friends, the Richins.

After we got the campsite all set up, the dads and kids went and played some touch football in a field that was near our campsite. Emily and I worked on prepping dinner, and then we went and chatted and watched the football game. It was very unorthodox and quite entertaining.

There were about a million bees and yellow jackets buzzing around while we were cooking and eating, They were after the meat. Miraculously no one got stung. Not yet, anyway… [foreshadowing]….

We had amazing tacos for dinner and then cake, to celebrate Emily’s birthday. A luxurious layered lemon cake.

After dinner, we cleaned up and the kids went and the kids took turns pulling each other around in a handcart that they found (this is a pretty popular location to do trek). And there was only one small injury; Clara was lifting Isaac down to the ground and his back got scraped up by the handcart.

We hung out around the campfire, chatted, and had s’mores and then we started moving the kids towards bed. Jonathan read Harry Potter 2 to them. He and the twins are nearly at the end!

SATURDAY 08.17.2024

Bacon and eggs for breakfast. Unfortunately, our luck with the yellow jackets did not last. Isaac got stung while we were cleaning up (so close, we almost made it with no stings!!) Poor Isaac. He got all the injuries. His poor little hand puffed up a fair amount.

One thing that is cool about Ensign ranch is that there are a million and a half things to do there. The kids really wanted to try their hands at archery after we watched a bit of olympic archery. I think they now all have an appreciation of how challenging it is.

After archery, we went over to the water slide. And that is basically where we spent the rest of the day. It was so fun.

It took a while, but we were eventually able to arrive at the best technique for trains: heaviest people in the back. It was a blast.

The kids loved it so much that they were not willing to stop for food. Eventually, we managed to convince them that food was a good idea.

And as we were winding down and prepping to leave for home, they also tried out the playground and the Ziplines. There were seriously so many things we didn’t do: swimming in the lake, renting canoes and kayaks, mini golf, frisbee golf, etc. Seriously. So many activities. The kids definitely want to come back.

We got home, got everyone bathed and fed and put to bed. And there was an epic thunderstorm. It was so fun. And I’m so glad we weren’t camping tonight!!!

Sunday (08.18.2024)

It was a pretty low key Sunday.

Jonas said the closing prayer in Sacrament meeting. Way to go, bud! That is intimidating!!

At some point, earlier in the week, I started going through the boys’ clothes to rotate things in and out. And I seriously lost steam. So, we have had piles of clothes everywhere in the music room all week. Here’s hoping I’ll be able to get some steam and finish.

A great week.

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