Cascade Springs Nature Preserve (Tuesday, 02/22/22 )

Today’s post is brought to you by caffeine! Thanks caffeine. I’m not sure this adventure would have happened without you.

No, but really. Jonathan is out of town for a few days. And a little energy boost is Always appreciated (necessary?) But on this morning that was especially true 😉

Originally I had planned on taking the kids to a playground. But it rained all night and part of the morning. And let’s be honest, playgrounds are not quite as good when wet: the slides aren’t very slide-y and while the swings are still swing-y, you will end up with a wet bum.

So, I pulled out my trusty potential activities list, and the Cascade Springs Nature Preserve looked ideal.

So off we went. And, it was, in fact, ideal.

It is a lovely little spot with some trails through the woods. At the trailhead, there was a sign with information about a battle that had occurred here during the Civil War: The Battle of Utoy Creek, which was part of General Sherman’s overall offensive against the city of Atlanta. That was very interesting to contemplate as we walked through the woods: that a battle had taken place here.

One of our favorite things: right next to a small patch of daffodils, someone had left a little fairy house, with some little animal figurines. It was so dang adorable. I had to practically threaten the girls with dismemberment if they didn’t leave the figurines where they were.

This place is right in Atlanta, and yet it was so quiet and peaceful and just so dang nature-y. Just what we needed. And it had all the lovely/beautiful nature-y things you like to see in the woods.

The boys in particular really loved this trail, I know because they told me repeatedly how much they loved it. The trail followed Utoy creek for a ways. In various places there were boardwalks and cute little bridges. (I love that kind of thing)

We eventually made our way to a little waterfall. It had ivy. I love ivy. And of course, the kids had a great time crawling around on all the rocks.

After hanging out at the waterfall for a bit, we continued along the trail, which diverged from Utoy creek. At this point, we were just a-walking in the woods. I’ll bet this place is incredible when it’s all leafed out. It was lovely anyway. But with all the greenery? I bet it’s pure magic.

I really think that Jonas and Logan could have stayed here all day. But people were getting hungry. And poor Isaac slipped on some mud near the end of the trail and landed face down. Poor little yam. So, we called it a day.

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