Christmas and Provo, UT

We were in Utah for about a week. And it was a lovely week. Here are some of the major highlights:

Jonas’s Baptism

The day after we arrived, Jonas was baptized! We were able to get permission and Tamara helped us get everything arranged so that we could make it happen. I have a surprising dearth of pictures from that evening… But here are some highlights.

Shenanigans with the Cassinats

Hanging out with the Pehrson’s

We went down to visit the Pehrson’s, and we got to see Christina’s classroom, and we all went to Zupas. Which made my soul so happy. I have missed Zupas deeply.

Luminaria at Thanksgiving Point

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

We had a lovely time with family. And on Boxing day, we took off the training wheels and got going on our nomad year!

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