I set the kids loose (the roof area is very enclosed, so grandmothers need not stress.) And I snapped some pictures of the scenery. (The gold building (upper left image in the collage, below) is where Jonathan works. Obviously, the commute is pretty good, it’s the entire reason we looked at living in this building. )

It was lovely being up there. It was breezy and coolish and we had the place to ourselves, we had a grand ol’ time. Well, most of us had fun… Logan got a bit cranky…but the poor kid was sick. We’ll cut him some slack.

Clara asked if she could take some pictures. So I let her. And being the flower-loving girl that she is, she took A LOT of pictures of flowers. Here is a selection:

I think this is one of my favorite pictures she took:
She also snapped a couple pictures of people. Cause people are pretty cool too. Juju is obviously a favorite subject 🙂

And here is the photographer herself. I wish I had brought my phone with me. She was so cute, wandering around, bending over, pushing into bushes, doing all the things she’s seen me do to take pictures.