Date Night! (10/27/22)

EMAGINE- Tuesday, 10.25.22-

Today was a seriously wet day. It rained non-stop all the live long day. And so, we decided to go back to Emagine to see a movie. Plus it was only $20 for 6 tickets. Score.

And we got to watch it in the screening room, which just felt kinda posh. We saw the 1995 version of Casper. I remember watching and loving that movie as a kid.

There were mixed reviews from my kids. Clara was on the fence. Jonas loved it. Logan got a little scared.

Everyone loved the popcorn. 12 thumbs up.

A Surprise Makeover- Wednesday, 10.26.22-

Today, we stuck a little closer to home. And it was mostly uneventful. Although, we had one exciting thing happen: Evie got a hold of some scissors and cut off a chunk of her hair. 😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭

So, I got out my hair scissors and cut the rest off. In the end, her hair is about 8 inches shorter than it was before. And while I was kinda sad at first, it turns out that it is really cute on her. It frames her sweet little face perfectly.

MNO with Jonathan, aka DATE NIGHT!! Thursday, 10.27.22-

The morning was uneventful. Jonathan and Clara went running. And then Jonathan took the car in to get the oil changed. Cause he totally loves me and I really hate dealing with car stuff.

After Jonathan finished work for the day, we took the kids over to the Lea’s house and dropped them off. (They had offered to watch our hoodlums for us so that we could go on a real date. They’re the basically best.)

We were a little concerned about how Isaac would do… he hates being left in nursery and gets sad when I leave for Mom’s night off… We were hoping he would be ok cause he likes the Lea’s.

When we left he was crying. But Jaime and Zackary (their 13 year old) are yammy whisperers and he was fine within just a couple minutes. Hooray!!

As for us, for our date night, we opted to do something that none of our kids are old enough to do: Indoor High Speed Go Karting.

We arrived, got geared up and then got in the Go Karts. And we were off to the races. Literally. We were put in a race with another couple, and I definitely got last place. But I improved my time on each lap that we did. So I was happy with that. And I had a great time. It was a lot of fun.

After we did Go Karting, we went over to the axe throwing area, got trained by Coach DJ and then we hucked some hatchets. And I don’t wanna brag, but I was kind of a natural. Until I started overthinking it. And then I really tanked. Coach DJ set up a few different games for us, and Jonathan won some, I won others. We both had a great time.

After we had finished at Accelerate, we went to dinner. Jaime had recommended their favorite restaurant in the area: The White Chocolate Grill. And so that is where we went.

Our food was delicious. (My cajun chicken sandwich is the stuff dreams are made of.)

Jonathan ordered a Mint Pony, which I think is the greatest name for a drink ever.

After we had enjoyed our food, we made our way back to the Lea’s, picked up our hoodlums, and then we headed home.

It was so lovely to go on a real date night. We love the Lea’s.

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