Destin History and Fishing Museum (Jan. 19)

Clara has been given the assignment by her teacher to make a slideshow detailing some of the history of the Florida Panhandle. To make it a slightly more interactive assignment, the kids and I decided to go to the Destin History and Fishing Museum.

It turned out to be quite small, which was perfect for the attention spans of certain parties in our party.

The museum has scavenger hunts for kids to do, and that turned out to be the perfect thing to keep the three older kids engaged. And to help them explore the different exhibits. Among other things, they had to find the smallest fish in the museum, a fishing pole that belonged to Ernest Hemingway, and tools used by Native Americans that inhabited this area.

They were totally into it. And they loved the prize they got for finishing it: a sharks tooth. One for each kid. Best day ever.

I had packed lunches for us, so after we finished wandering around the museum, we went outside and ate our lunches at a little picnic table on the grounds.

After that, we checked out the grounds a little more and then we went on home. A great, low-key “abenture.”

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