Dizzy Weeld, Day One (Feb 3, 2022)

We finally checked into the AirBnB around bedtime. The community we’re staying in is all privately owned townhomes, but most are vacation rentals through Airbnb or VRBO. Early the next morning, we headed to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom!!! The most magical place on Earth!!

We actually got really lucky with parking — we were right across from preferred parking and not out in the sticks. We parked in the Evil Emperor Zurg lot. We went through security, boarded the ferry and rode across the Seven Seas Lagoon all while liberally applying sunscreen to our sunburn magnets.  It was quite the process to get to the park from our car.

Once we arrived in the park, we made an immediate beeline to Pirates of the Caribbean. The twins (and even Logan) were a little trepidatious about going into “the spooky cave” but in the end, they loved it.

After Pirates, we rode the Aladdin magic carpet ride. And then, cause we know what’s what, we got Dole Whip, which was sold right next to the Aladdin ride. As Jonathan was going over to order it, he looked at the serving sizes of everyone that had ordered and decided that they were small enough that everyone should have their own cup to themselves. Well, those other people must have been two thirds done with their Dole Whip because Holy Heck, they were big when they arrived.  But we quickly decided that it was a good thing we didn’t order less because everyone devoured their servings.  And no one had to share. And no one cried about sharing. It was all good.

Much renewed after the Dole Whip, we went over to the Haunted Mansion and stood in our first proper hour-plus line. In general, the park wasn’t as crowded as we’ve seen it before, but the lines did get long at times. The kids handled it like champs, though. They really did do a very good job throughout the entire Disney experience about not fighting or whining. We are really lucky they are so good. 

When we arrived at the elevator for the Haunted Mansion, there were lots of people all crowded inside and the nervousness of Isaac and Logan spiked. When all the lights went out and the lightning flashed and the narrator did his spooky laugh, poor Isaac started crying (and everyone in the elevator went “Awwww”). 

When we finally arrived at the ride cars themselves, both Logan and Isaac were screaming that they didn’t want to get on the ride. Evie and Jonas weren’t doing much better. But being the amazing parents that we are, we dragged them onto the ride.

On the whole, they did okay, but that was our one and only spin on the Haunted Mansion. 

We then decided to split the party. We were surprised to find out that Logan was tall enough to ride a lot of the rides at Magic Kingdom! So Clara, Jonas, Logan and I all went off to Thunder Mountain and Jonathan and the twins rode the riverboat. 

(Note: The last time we came to Dizzy weeld, I was pregnant and so I could only ride the kiddie rides, So tiny Jonas and I rode all the little rides together. Being the amazing husband that he is, Jonathan offered to be on twin duty so I could actually ride the more interesting rides)

After that, we met up in Fantasy land and ate our pre-packed bento box lunches in a nice shady spot next to Belle’s Storytime. It was completely lovely to sit for a while. Pre-packing lunches was the best idea ever. I already have plans for our bento boxes on future excursions to museums and things.

After lunch, we headed to Tomorrow Land and hit the Monster’s Inc. Laugh Floor, Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger ride, and the Tomorrowland speedway. Out of all three, the kids definitely liked the speedway the best. So we rode it a couple times. Also we got cotton candy. Cause cotton candy= happiness.

As we were coming out of the speedway, Jonathan and Logan went over to the folks manning the height bar of the ride and asked if Logan was tall enough to ride space mountain. They were kind enough to pull out a tape measure and check Logan’s height. You must be 44 in to ride Space Mountain and Logan is (…drumroll…) 44.5 inches! We must have had a growth spurt in preparation for this Disney World trip. 

So, inspired by the fact that Logan was tall enough to ride Space Mountain, Jonathan took the twins on a protracted walk/nap while Jill, Jonas, Clara, and Logan got in line. Logan was pretty excited that he was tall enough. And, to no one’s surprise, he loved the ride.

We met up again as the sun was starting to go down. Disney World really does have a magical atmosphere in the evening. We moseyed over to the Jungle Cruise and then did another round of the Spooky Cave™ ( in case you forgot, that’s the Pirates of the Caribbean)

It was about 7:00 at this point. And the fireworks were slated to go off at 8:00. The kids were getting tired and were very hungry at this point, so we grabbed food from Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe and ate at an outside booth while we watched the clock tick closer to eight. 

We finished dinner right as the fireworks started. The central round was PACKED with people and in the end we couldn’t see the castle, but we could see the fireworks. Which is the best part anyway. The twins were especially enthralled. It was so fun to watch their little faces.

On our way out, Clara and I ducked into a store on Main Street while everyone else waited outside. Clara was hoping to get Minnie mouse birthstone earrings, to match her BFF in Seattle. In the end, I got a pair too. Cause I’m Clara’s BFF too (tell ’em Clara, tell ’em I’m your BFF)

We then got in line for the ferry and slooooowly meandered our way down to the dock, herding very tired and very patient children along through the crowd. When we got off the ferry, Isaac finally lost it and cried all the way back to the van. But honestly, can you blame him? It was almost 10 PM at that point and we had walked over 20,000 steps that day. We were very glad that were parked close.

What a day. 

Let’s do it again tomorrow!

3 Replies to “Dizzy Weeld, Day One (Feb 3, 2022)”

  1. we WERE SO DANG patinte you don’t say that hard enough

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