Elbow-cookie, New Mexico (Dec 29, 2021)

Greetings from Burque & Route 66

Today, after Jonathan finished working, we all piled in the car and went off in search of “abenture” as E.E calls it.

Jonas was pretty disappointed that he had not had the chance to visit the Rattlesnake museum.  So, we decided to head that direction.  But first, we had to go hit the “Greetings from Burque” mural. And as we went, we happened to drive on THE Route 66. Cute, huh?

Tingley Beach

After the mural, the plan was for me, Clara, and the twins to go to Tingley Beach. We had driven past yesterday and been rather intrigued, because I don’t think I have ever seen a pond with so many birds, ducks, and geese. 

So, the plan was to drop us off, and then Jonathan, Jonas and Logan would go to the Rattlesnake museum.  But when we arrived, it quickly became apparent that we would run out of things to do fairly quickly. Especially since it was on the chilly and windy side. So, we decided to just take a few minutes for the whole fam to walk around. We checked out all the birds, and the pond. 

The Rio Grande

And then I realized that we were right by THE Rio Grande, and there was even a cute boardwalk.  So we walked down toward the water and wandered around there for a bit. The kids touched the water. And a good time was had by all. And I can tell you that the Rio Grande was, in fact, Grande.

Rattlesnake Museum, Part 2

Then we all piled back in the car and headed to the museum, (this time, we were able to find a free parking spot. Score!) and we went over to the museum.  And the guy totally recognized us. And he was kind enough to allow those of us who went yesterday to go in without paying. We thought that was very generous of him.

And so, we wandered around in the rattlesnake museum.  And we stayed until it closed.

Our Anniversary

After that, we drove home, made dinner for the kids, and helped them all get ready for bed. Once they were settled, Jonathan and I headed out for our anniversary. Clara got her very first babysitting gig.

We had already selected a place from TripAdvisor. Cause we were after GOOD Mexican food. But, when we got there, there were no cars in the parking lot whatsoever. Not a good sign. It turns out that they were replacing their fire sprinkler system.  Sad. 

So, we pulled out TripAdvisor and found another option, which was closer to the Old Town, so off we went. Apparently the place was inside the Hotel Albuquerque.  And you’re not going to believe this, IT WAS CLOSED TOO! They were closed for renovations, and were only doing room service orders.  Sad.  Fortunately, as we were driving over to the place, we had noticed another Mexican restaurant, and so we just went there.  We knew for sure that it was open.

By the time we sat down in Little Anita’s we were pretty much starving. And we ordered our food as soon as we sat down.  Also, we got virgin margaritas.  Mine was watermelon. Jonathan’s was strawberry. They were most excellent.

We got a chimichanga and fajitas, and split them.  Everything was delicious.  It has been a good long while since I’ve had good Mexican food.  And as part of the meal, they served Sopapillas.  They were AMAZING. We loved them.

After dinner, we headed home.  And Clara’s first babysitting gig was a wrap.

All in all, a successful day!

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