Final Days in Charlotte

Mod Pizza

For dinner one night, we went to Mod Pizza. Mod was the boys’ favorite pizza place in Seattle and so they were beside themselves when we saw a Mod pizza as we drove to church one day. We promised that we would take them. And so we did.

To no one’s surprise, this was a popular outing. Everyone was also very excited about their ‘blue juice’

We Went to a Wedding (Remotely)

Some friends from Seattle got married (in India) and so we took a couple of hours to watch the livestream. It was really cool. Everyone was surprisingly into it. Yay love Veena and Ravi!

Random stuff

Freedom Park

We decided to go back to Freedom Park one more time before we left, because it is just that awesome.

When we arrived the twins immediately wanted to head over to the playground area while the bigger kids headed over to the American Ninja Warrior obstacle course.

We quickly learned that the playground was a little bit on the wet side as it had rained the night before. The slides were not slidey. And all the other equipment was a little bit too slidey for my comfort, so we headed over to where the older kids were hanging out.

When we arrived, the older kids were playing on ‘the donut’ as Isaac called it.

After doing that for a while, we went over to the Obstacle course for a while.

It was also a little bit wet, and so there were one or two small mishaps. But all in all, everyone had a good time.

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