Freedom Park & Shrek the Musical (04/23/22)

The weather has been so lovely the last couple of days, that we decided to take off early so we could enjoy it as much as possible. Our destination was Freedom Park, a large park not far from the heart of downtown. And (spoiler) it’s basically the best park ever.

We started off our tour of the park at the playground. And of course, this was a major hit although Logan was disappointed in the Monkey bars. He had been dying to show Jonathan his newly acquired skills. But these monkey bars were rather strange. At least, that’s one 5-yr old’s opinion.

The swings were a major hit.

At some point, I mentioned to Clara that there was a duck pond on the other side of the park. And so, she decided that she needed to go check it out. And I opted to go with her and talked her into taking the scenic way along the Little Sugar Creek Greenway.

It’s quite a bit longer. But it was so pretty!! 🤩🤩 Like, Garden of Eden pretty.

Eventually the Little Sugar Creek Greenway spit us back out into Freedom Park over by the duck pond. We found this to be a misnomer, as there were no ducks. It was still lovely, so we walked around and enjoyed the scenery.

Certain parties really wanted to get in the water. And certain other parties said “No”. Why is Clara so mean to me?!? 😉😉

Eventually, we made our way back over to Jonathan and the other kids.

They had managed to find their way over to the ‘American Ninja Warrior’ part of the playground. It has an obstacle course like the show, but the obstacles are toned down a bit in difficulty so as to be accessible to kids.

The kids all loved it. We spent quite a while there. They did the course over and over, trying to beat their times. It was pretty dang awesome.

Eventually, we were getting close to lunch and nap time; we really had to respect nap time because of the day’s next activity:

Shrek, The Musical

After Isaac napped (and Evie did everything in her power to get out of napping), we went to the ImaginOn to see a matinee performance of Shrek, the Musical. We got there a bit early and so we got to explore the place a little bit, though we only saw a small part because the place is huge; it takes up an entire city block. It was built as a collaborative venture between the Charlotte library system and the Children’s theater. It has a full library and 3 theaters as well as exhibits and activities for all ages. It is a pretty amazing place.

Then we went in and actually saw the show. And we were blown away. Honestly we weren’t expecting it to be as amazing as it was. There were multiple guild-level actors. The singing was AMAZING. There was an orchestra pit with actual musicians providing music for the show. We were quite impressed.

All of the kids really enjoyed it as well. (Though Logan was sad that certain things were missing from the movie). But really, all 5 kids were perfect. They couldn’t have been better. In fact, the twins were even more engaged for the performance than they had been for the Bad Guys movie the other night.

Basically, it was a great day. Diem Carpe-d.

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