Friends & Randomness

Jonathan in Boston

So, as I mentioned, Jonathan is in Boston. (Rude). He’s meeting with some people from work to hash some things out…. for reasons…. and stuff… yeah 😂😂😂.

He will be gone until Friday around bedtime and then we leave D.C. the next morning. So, I needed to have everything all packed and ready to go. Which is just a ton of work. 🥵🥵

But we tried to get some fun stuff in too! Including….

Hanging with Friends (06/09/22)

I wanted to go see my pal Angela one more time before we leave DC. So, we decided that we would meet up and go swimming in their neighborhood pool and do pizza and a movie afterward.

The kids were crazy excited to go swimming. It was on the cooler side, but they were still really into it. And it didn’t rain. So they had a great time.

Evie and Isaac made some good progress in being comfortable with the water. Basically, Evie would be happy to just float around by herself forever. Isaac was a little more cautious and he hung out on the steps most of the time. But he got in the water!

After we finished swimming (let’s be honest, our kids are never ‘finished’ with swimming, they would’ve stayed forever), we went back to Angela’s house and watched Encanto and ordered pizza.

After dinner, we all went over the park for a while.

And then we bid farewell to Angela and her three kiddos. It really was so nice to see a friend while we were here. And I’m glad we got to see her again before we left.


One of the kids broke Jonathan’s sunglasses about a week ago, and so we ordered him a new pair. And they arrived while he was gone. So, we decided to model them for him. I see some potential here.

And of course, the normal chaos of life and 5 kids just continued on as well.

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