To Boston! (08.13-14.22)

Well. The time has come to move on, once again. We are all sad to be leaving. The pool and the beautiful surroundings have been amazing. And the frogs. We mustn’t forget the frogs.

Moving day is always a little tiring. It’s a lot of work to pack up all the stuff and load it all into the car and of course, loading all the people. But we got there in the end. And our drive to Boston was only 2 hours.

Unfortunately, we had a puking incident, despite the dramamine that we’d given out before. Fortunately, Logan told us he wasn’t feeling well before he puked and he even asked for a barf bag (I highly recommend keeping these in your glove compartment if you have peeps prone to car sickness) He threw up about two seconds after Clara handed it to him. And we happened to not be on the freeway and happened to be next to a trash can. Lots of little tender mercies there.

Not too long after, we decided to hit McDo for lunch. Can I just say how amazing it is that there is a fast food joint that will feed all of our peeps. (Jonas and Logan have both gained an appreciation for the chicken (sandwich and nuggets respectively) at McDo on this nomad year).

Eventually, we made it to our new digs, and we completely unloaded the car.

As soon as it was emptied, Clara and I hopped right back in and went to the grocery store and to Costco. We have friends from Seattle coming to stay with us on Monday and so we had to make sure that we would actually have food in the house.

Jonathan called me while we were at Costco with two traumatized children.

He and the four younger kids had gone out into the backyard to play. They had turned on the hose to play in the sprinkler, when Evie suddenly started crying and told Jonathan that a bug had bitten her.

It was a hornet.

So Jonathan rushed everyone inside and asked Logan to turn off the water.

Logan then got stung no less than 4 times. Because the hornets live in the proximity of the water spigot, which thing they did not know before.

And then a hornet went up his shorts. And he, quite understandably, lost his mind. Fortunately, they were able to kill it before it stung him in sensitive places.

After Clara and I got home, we did dinner and then Jonathan and Clara went to the Apple store and Jonathan got a new toy, I mean er, phone, an iphone 13 pro. His old one is at least 4 years old. And it was time to upgrade. Plus, let’s be honest, the new cameras are SO MUCH BETTER! And that matters when you’re on a nomad year.

The next day we went to church. And after Sacrament meeting, a nice young couple came up to us and asked us if we were visiting.

And then they told us that they had noticed us because the husband, Luke, is one of five siblings and he is the only redhead.

Whoa. That’s the second family of 5 with a single redhead that we have encountered in just a couple of weeks! Mind blown!

We chatted with them for a bit, and they ended up inviting us over for dinner. They have a 16 month old son named Levi.

And we were like “Are you sure? There are a lot of us.” But they were totally chill and we had a great time with them.

Grace was an elementary school teacher before she became a mom. And so, she had many books. The kids had a great time drooling over her library. And she was even kind enough to let us take some books with us.

Welcome to Boston!

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