Home, Nature, & Baseball

04/25/22- House Window Shopping

Soooo… we went and looked at a house. Cause, basically, if I could design the ideal floorplan for our family, it would be pretty much identical to the Hampshire floorplan. And so we decided to check it out in person. And it was as good in person as it was online. We also walked through a couple of other models as well.

Unfortunately, the lots were abysmal… which is kind of a deal breaker for us. So it’s not meant to be. It was sure fun to look though!

04/26/22 Chantilly Park, Briar Creek, Soccer

After going to Chantilly park last week and seeing how epically awesome it was, the kids have been begging me to go back and to bring Jonathan so that he can also experience the awesome.

Logan promptly got an injury while showing off his monkey bar skills. Fortunately he recovered and we had no other incidents during the remainder of our time at the playground.

Briar Creek

One of the cool things about Chantilly park is that it has a lovely greenway. And a section of the greenway runs alongside a creek. This is what the kids really wanted to show their dad. And so we let them wade in the water for a bit…

…until we discovered broken glass in the water. And then we were out of there; this decision brought much sadness.


Fortunately, we found a soccer ball to mollify everyone. We kicked it around for a while. Unfortunately, the twins were unclear on the concept, and got angry any time someone other than themselves had the ball. So, I decided to take them back over to the playground while Jonathan, Clara, Jonas, and Logan continued to play.

As we walked over, the twins and I had one those lovely “toddler twins v. mom” moments. We were walking and then suddenly they took off in opposite directions; one headed for the creek and the other for the street. (For those wondering, I went for the one heading toward the street first.) Do they make mom merit badges? I think they should. And I think I deserve one. 🙌 🙌

Shortly thereafter, it started raining and so all of us went back to the car and we made our way home.

(04/27/22) Charlotte Knights Game

Jonas and Jonathan were invited by some people at church (how nice!!) to attend a Knights game for the 8-11 year old boys’ activity this week. The Knights are Charlotte’s Minor League baseball team.

Jonas said that the game itself was kinda boring. Which pretty much squared with what we were expecting. But, he enjoyed having some one-on-one time with his dad, and of course, they enjoyed the snacks. I mean, the ice cream was served in a little plastic baseball cap; I’m sure it tasted better for it.


We’ve honestly been pretty boring this week, not as many formal adventures.

But we’ve spent a lot of time outside. And it has been lovely.

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