Kanapaha Botanical Gardens (02/02/22)’

Goodbye to Miramar Beach. Next stop: Orlando! And Disney World. AKA Dizzy Weeld!! Here’s a little video that will tell you all you need to know about why we call it Dizzy Weeld:

I know. It is freaking adorable. That little guy is now a huge sassy 8-year-old. We will also be going to Universal studios (Harry Potter world!!!) while we are in Orlando. We are all pretty pumped about that.

On our way to Orlando, we decided to make a stop after about 4 hours of driving, as the children were losing their minds. And by the transitive property of mind losing, Jonathan and I were about to lose it too… Enter the Kanapaha Gardens in Gainesville, Florida.

We arrived about an hour before it closed, so we didn’t have a ton of time to wander around and see things, but we enjoyed that which we saw. The twins especially enjoyed the playground.

This was the perfect break before we got back on the road to our Airbnb. And despite the fact that it is February, it was pretty lush and green. I can only imagine how amazing it would be in the summer time.

2 Replies to “Kanapaha Botanical Gardens (02/02/22)’”

  1. “The transitive property of mind losing”!

    That is amazingly true. Math for the win. Again.

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