Lake Damariscotta (July 2 & 3)


So, we discovered that there was a popular swimming lake very close to us: like a 10 minute drive close. And so, we decided to go one evening. We got everyone suited up, and sun-screened up, we found all the towels and all the goggles. We got snacks. And we loaded everyone into the car. TBH, it is quite the undertaking to do a lake or beach day.

We parked and started walking toward the beach. And as we walked onto the beach, a park ranger walked over to us and told us that there was a good chance that they would have to close the beach because there was lightning happening a couple miles away. They were currently monitoring the situation. We figured we would chance it, cause we had made the effort.

Clara managed to get in and get wet. But the rest of us had done no more than wade in a short distance before we were told that they were indeed closing the beach.

Sad. Very sad.

Fortunately, as we were driving in, we had seen a cute little ice cream spot about a hundred yards away from the entrance to the lake. And so, we decided to get ice cream. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to expect for an ice cream shop that’s so far out in the middle of nowhere.

But we were all very impressed. They had tons of flavors, and the ice cream was fresh and high quality. And super delicious. We were so happy that we had stopped.

Around the back of the little shop are some lovely gardens. It turns out that for the town of Jefferson, this is quite the little gathering area.

We noticed that there were a bunch of wiffle balls and bats and so we played for a while. Jonathan played baseball as a young’un and so he was able to show off some of his skills.

So, obviously, we were disappointed that things didn’t work out with the lake. But J scoop (as the locals call it) more than amply made up for that disappointment. It was perfect.

07/03/22- Damariscotta Lake, take two. (This time it works out)

So, we decided to give Lake Damariscotta another shot. So, we did the whole thing all over again: sunscreen, snacks, suits, etc. And we drove over.

This time, we actually got to swim!! We even got a spot in the shade of a tree. Some people left just as we arrived. And it was basically perfect. I was very grateful for that shade, for our super fair complexions.

We were able to spend several hours swimming. And the water was extremely warm in spite of being located in Maine. It was cool to the touch but you got used to it pretty much immediately. That’s the kind of water I can get behind. And so, all of us swam just swam our brains out. It was lovely.

And when we were tired of swimming, the beach was also a lovely spot to hang out. Especially since we had some shade.

All in all, a fantastic day. We came home, and the kids slept HARD. That’s always a good sign.

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