Life updates & Low Key days (09.06-14.22)

I’m pulling in low key days from a span of about two weeks here. So, if I reference things that haven’t happened yet or things that happened ages ago, don’t worry. It’s not you, it’s me 😉😉

09/06/22- A low key Tuesday

After a pretty intensive weekend (Boott Cotton Mill & Freedom Trail, part 1), we were happy to have some time at home.

09.07.22- A new Job for Jonathan

That kinda sounds like a title for a children’s book…..

Anyway…. Jonathan has just accepted a job! He will be starting with Amazon!!

Honestly, that came as a bit of a surprise to us. The money is really good for Amazon, but we had just heard so many horror stories about how Amazon chews up their employees and spits them out… And he was worried about his technical qualifications.

So, his recruiter put him in touch with someone who does the exact same job that he would be doing, but with another team in the same org. And Jonathan grilled him. The guy was very candid and didn’t try to sugarcoat things, which we really appreciated. And it really helped allay many of our concerns.

Also, the other companies that gave him offers really low-balled him. Like, we would have been taking a pay cut (in some cases a fairly substantial cut), which is not great with inflation being how it is. And with 5 growing kids who will only get more expensive as they get older.

So in the end, Amazon it is!! And we will be going back to Seattle!! We’re excited and nervous.

My overarching feeling is that it’s REALLY nice to know what’s next. Nomading has been amazing. But it is also exhausting.

The plan is that we will continue to nomad and then we’ll start heading west. We’ll have Thanksgiving in Utah, Christmas in California, and then it’s up to Seattle in January! Hopefully we will be able to find a house.

09.07.22 Mary O Malley State Park

The kids were getting a little bit crazy after a few days of just being at home. So we went to a little state park with a playground that’s pretty close to where we are staying. The kids had a great time.

09.11.22 Sunday

I appreciate Sundays so much these days. A day of rest.

09.12.22. Costco (or Cos-aco as the twins say it)

Our tires were in drastic need of replacement. I had set up an appointment a little while ago and so on the appointed day, the twins and I hopped in the car and went to Cos-aco.

What is it about Costco? All our kids just love it. And I loved going with my mom when I was a kid. It’s just funny. Well anyway, we had a great time AND our tires got replaced AND I was able to get some groceries all at the same time.

Whoever decided to put a tire center in Costcos was freaking brilliant. I’m talking Nobel Peace Price level.


So, the twins have lately been obsessed with a Netflix show called “Creature Cases” it features two animal detectives, Kit Kasey and Sam Snow, who work with CLADE (Covert League of Animal Detective Experts) tosolve animal related mysteries (figuring out where a missing creature went etc.)

And so, they have adopted the personas of the two detectives. And much of their play is pretending that they are those characters.

They are constantly coming up to me and saying “Director Scratch do you have a creature case for us?”

Clara even made them badges, like the badges they have in the show. Cause she’s the best.

Really, things just continue apace here. I can’t believe how fast time is going.

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