Manila faves

Another week.  And what a week it has been.  Between exile from our apartment, Logan contracting pink eye, teething, and cursory attempts at potty training, we didn’t do much this week.  We stayed close to home.  We swam a lot.  We played in the play room.  And I seriously had cabin fever by the end of the week.  And so going on a small adventure on Saturday put me in much better spirits.

We Ain’t in Kansas anymore Toto….

As I mentioned, Logan has pink eye.  Not knowing how to approach this problem here, I messaged a girl in our ward asking her what the process was to get it looked at and taken care of.  She said that you basically look up the prescription that you need on the internet. And then go buy it.  At the pharmacy.  And they just give it to you. We found that was in fact exactly right.  We were able to contact a stateside pediatrician who told us what to get. We walked in, and walked right back out.  And bam.  Logan has antibiotics for his pink eye.  Hopefully it goes away quickly.

Favorite funny this week:

On our way to Quezon City, I saw the following billboard.  I didn’t have time to snap a picture once I realized what I was looking at.  But I giggled about it for the next ten minutes.  And then I managed to find it!  It is immortalized on the internet! Score one for the good guys!!  Executive optical, well played.


We went in and met Jonathan’s coworkers.  This sign is posted everywhere and it is amazing.  I’m going to start saying this to my children.: “Observe silence small human!!” (The reason for the sign is that a good portion of the building is dedicated to call centers, and so they don’t want loud conversations in the background. Thus, the need to observe silence.)

I have started to embrace the fact that we are a circus.  At least in this image, Jonathan was with me, and he had Clara.  But when it’s just me, circus.  Embrace the circus. Love the circus. Cause, you are the circus. 

Last one for now.  Everyone loves our kids.  They are constantly noticed.  And you would not believe how often people want to take selfies with them.  Or just to take pictures of them.  It is crazy.  Clara usually cooperates, but Juju isn’t really willing to jump in on that action.  It is just the funniest thing.

Paalam for now!!


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