Minnesooota (& Wisconsin) (10.13-14.22)

So, today things went as usual. Until they didn’t… Jonathan worked. The kids did school and chores. And I went to the grocery store to stock up on necessaries as Jonathan was heading to Minnesooooota tonight to pick up our new trailer. So, while he was gone, I wouldn’t have a car at my disposal.

But then, just as he was about to head out for Minnesoooooota, we decided “Heck, let’s take the whole darn family. Why not? Sure, that’s a 12 hour roundtrip drive. But we can totally handle this.”

So we ran around and got everyone completely packed and in the car. We went from 0 to on the way to Minnesooota in 20 minutes. Go team. Cause you can’t NOT go to Minnesooota if you’ve got the chance!!! I mean, it’s Minnesooota! Also, YOLO.

In Wisconsin (whoa, we were in Wisconsin!) we stopped at Chick-Fil-A for dinner. And just out of sheer chance, I happened to choose table 47 for us to eat at. That number has just chosen me. It follows me through my life.

After we partied in Wisconsin and drank our weight in Chick Fil A sauce, we got back on the road. And we drove. And drove.

One speeding ticket later, we arrived at our hotel in Red Wing, Minnesoooota. (Sorry to rat you out, Jonathan. But it is kinda funny, now. Also, you’re handsome.) It was pretty late, so we all went right to bed. (Dear Melatonin, I love you! Love, Jill)

The next morning, this is what we woke up to:

Ooooooh Minnesoooota!

Jonathan and I were both a little concerned, given that we were going to be driving 6 hours today, with a new trailer. (And neither of us has driven with a trailer before 😬😬)

The kids, on the other hand, were absolutely beside themselves with happiness. After they had eaten breakfast faster than they have ever eaten before, they got suited up with socks as gloves, and went out to play in the 1/2 inch of snow.

They made some creative snow people, threw some snowballs, and just had a blast.

Once the trailer place opened, we drove on over and picked it up. We are very excited to have it. It will VASTLY simplify the process of moving. Plus we’re excited to take it on our future adventures as well!!

And then we started driving back to Chicago. And if you are going to drive with a trailer as a noob, This is the one to start with. As the guy who showed us the ropes said “The hardest part is just remembering that it is there.”

Also, wow! The drive was SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! We had driven most of it in the dark last night, so we were delighted to see it in daylight.

Eventually, we were out in the middle of rural Wisconsin when people started getting hungry, so we stopped at a McDo to get some food. And Isaac was very, very sad. Because we didn’t have Chick Fil A sauce for his chicky chicky nug nugs. Life is hard without Chick Fil A sauce.

Eventually, we made it back to Chicago, safe and sound! What a whirlwind little trip! I’m glad we all went. It was fun. And now I’ve been to Minnesooota.

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