Miramar Beach (Jan 7-9)

Jan 7, 2022- Beach & Chillin’

We spent the morning getting stuff organized and settled a little bit more, and after lunch when the babies were sleeping, Clara, Logan and I headed to the beach. Jonas elected to stay home with Dad.

Jan 08, 2022- Haircuts

Jonathan had been wanting to get a haircut, and so today was the day. And we managed to convince Jonas to cut his hair too. I wanna be able to see his cute little face! Clara was sick of dealing with long hair at the pool and beach, and so she decided to cut hers as well. And Logan was in too.

We are party animals. Haircuts!

So, off they went, there was a bit of a wait at the hair salon, so the crew decided to head next door to get a couple things from the Publix, which is a grocery store. A friend of Jonathan’s had raved to him about the amazing sugar cookies at Publix, so of course, we had to try them. And they are pretty dang good.

Village at Baytown Wharf

After naptime, we were all in the mood to do something. I had checked out some things on TripAdvisor, and had seen the Village at Baytown Wharf, it looked pretty and interesting and so off we went.

We wandered around for a while, just seeing the sites and all the shops. It wasn’t busy at all, which I was definitely a fan of. Clara and I went and checked out the Marina. It was BEAUTIFUL! And we caught it just as the sun was setting.

Besides shopping and dining, there was a zip line, a ropes course, ice skating, etc. A bunch of stuff. So we let the kids choose one thing to do. They chose the Bungy Trampoline.

Bungy Trampoline

Logan went first, and then Clara and Jonas went next. They seemed to really enjoy it. Evie kept insisting that it was her turn. Poor little adventurous lamb. She wasn’t big enough to do it.

Ice Cream

To round off the evening, we went and got ice cream at Moo La La. Which is just the cutest name ever.

After ice cream, we wandered a bit more, and then we went home and had a late dinner. A lovely day.

Jan 09, 2022- Church & the Beach

We went to church, and to our great delight, it was a 5 minute drive. So, that was rather convenient. The church grounds had a cute little boardwalk. And I’m a sucker for a boardwalk, so I made the kids take pictures. They are very nice and humor me 😉

Post church Beach trip

We came home from church, grabbed lunch, and then we headed down to the beach for a bit, before the weather turned rainy in the afternoon. The kids spent the time digging themselves a little swimming pool, which was great cause the waves were much larger than we had previously seen them.

Eventually the temptation was too great, Clara busted out the swim suit that she had snuck down, and the boys stripped down to their underwear.

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