Today, we took it easy. Everyone was feeling a little worn out from all of our adventuring. So, we just let the kids hang out together at home; they played in the sprinklers, they had some screen time, they rough-housed.
And then in the evening, Jonathan took charge of the 6 kids and Sarah and I took off for Moms’ Night Off (MNO).

Sarah had been wanting to check out Harvard too and so off we went! We decided to just Uber around so that we wouldn’t have to deal with parking. (Small thing about me: I’m weird about parking. I want to be sure that there is parking wherever I am going. It’s just one of those dumb things that I worry about.)
Our Uber dropped us off in Harvard square and we started wandering around.
We did some window shopping and a little bit of actual shopping. I almost bought a sweatshirt…. But then I decided that I didn’t need a $65 dollar crew neck sweatshirt in my life. 😱😱😱
We also wandered around the campus a little bit as well.
As we had been wandering we’d been keeping our eyes peeled for somewhere to have dinner; Sarah was hoping to have some proper Boston seafood while she was in town. So that’s what we were hunting for.
We decided on the “Hourly Oyster House”. For my main entree, I decided on chicken. But y’all, I was super brave and I TRIED AN OYSTER. I figured if I was going to try an oyster, an oyster house on the East coast would be the place to do it. And while I wouldn’t say it was my most favorite food, it was not bad! And I am just super proud of my braveness. 🤓🤓
There was another Mike’s Pastry right next to the Oyster bar, so we definitely got some cannoli for dessert. Cause we’re smarties.
And then we went and got lost in a bookstore for a while, which was basically heaven. And we each bought at least one book.
And then we made our way back to the Airbnb, and our hoodlums.
It was such a lovely (and needed!) Moms’ Night Out.