MNO with Clara (09.01.22) & Randomness (09.02.22)

As we were making our New Hampshire bucket list last month, Clara had expressed a desire to go on a bike ride. Unfortunately, we never got around to it. Because the opportunity never arose. So I decided to take her for a Mom’s Night Off outing while we were in Boston.

After Jonathan finished work for the day, the goose and I drove downtown and parked the car in the Boston Common Garage. And then we went in search of Blue Bikes. Fortunately, there were plenty available, and Clara was just tall enough for the bikes on their lowest setting. We “checked them out” and off we went.

I had kinda worked out an area that I wanted to go scope out and we started making our way there. But, it quickly became apparent that it was not going to work out. It was not bike friendly at all.

There were no bike lanes, there were lots of cars and pedestrians, and the roads were rather narrow. Our bikes were definitely a liability there. So, we turned around and just made our way to the second part of our itinerary: the Charles River Esplanade. The Esplanade is located on the other side of a major highway and so you get to it by going over one of the pedestrian overpasses.

Once we made it over to the Esplanade, to Clara’s delight, we were really able to get moving. And she happily dinged her bell approximately 4,239 times.

We had a great time. It was such a beautiful evening and it was good to just be out and moving. After we had biked a couple of miles, we stopped at a very picturesque spot, snapped some photos and then turned back the way that we came.

After we got back to our overpass, we crossed over and dropped off our bikes at the station right next to it. And off we went in search of something delicious to eat.

Oh my gosh. The architecture around Boston is just amazing. It is so incredibly beautiful. And very expensive. We were walking in a very bougie neighborhood with lots of high-end stores like Hermes, Tiffany, etc.

Eventually, as we walked, I saw a Tatte bakery and cafe. This was another recommendation from my Boston friend, and so in we went.

And oh my gosh. The food was AMAZING!!!! We each got a sandwich and dessert and it was all so delicious. That chocolate mousse is what dreams are made of.

After we had eaten, we strolled back to the car and went home.

What a lovely evening with my little lady. ❤️

Good bye yammy naps  😢 😢 😢

Lately, the twins have been awakening up ridiculously early. Like sometimes around 4:30. And then of course, after waking up so early, naps have continued to be necessary and we put them to bed at a normal 3-year old time (7:30) but they sometimes take a little while to fall asleep. We honestly think the naps are to blame for the perpetuation of this madness.

And we are over the 5 am wake-up calls. So, we have decided to do away with naps. And we had to deal with a couple of cranky/very tired days. But, we are getting to a more normal schedule, hallelujah.

I have to admit though, that I am mourning the loss of nap time. Cause those two are BUSY little critters.

09.02.22 – Friday

This evening, we decided to send Jonathan to the temple. He has received job offers from every company that he went through the full interview loop with. So, we have some big decisions to make. We decided to send Jonathan to the temple.

While he was gone, the kids and I had dinner and then we did a Jackbox game (Jackbox games are party games that are run by a computer (we put it up on the tv), and that you control through your phone or ipad)

We played a game called Drawful in which everyone is given strange prompts that they must draw on their phone (one example: magical janitor) and then everyone has to give captions to each other’s drawings. It is a lot of fun. And the drawings are usually ridiculous.

It was a lot of fun. We all greatly enjoyed it.

Just another day in paradise.

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