Moving is craptastic

The company is now back at work. So, hopefully that means we can really get started on all the visa applications and things like that. Hopefully we’ll be able to get things squared away with housing and such as well. Someone who works at CrossFuze apparently has a two bedroom apartment that we could potentially use.  It is pretty much the same size as the place we are in now, and is in a big high-rise building, with a pool, and it is within walking distance.  Hopefully it isn’t too good to be true. We will see if that works out I suppose.

The company is hoping to get Jonathan out to Manila as soon as possible. They were initially thinking the week of the 16th or the week of the 23rd. WHAAAAA!?!?!?  That is so stinking fast!! Like…3 weeks. I’m feeling a little more panicked though. Not too much. Just the fear of God was put into me a little bit. Packing and cleaning and all that always take longer than you think they will.

We’ve already been working on that but now that we know that Jonathan will be going out to the Philippines on probably the 23rd or there about, things are heating up a bit. The pressure is on. And having three small humans has made this much more stressful. In the past when we have moved, we’ve either had no children or just one, granted I was pregnant both times which was challenging.  But, it was just a different kind of hard, I was very tired physically.  But this time it’s a little more emotional and mental. I have small creatures that follow me around and undo work I’ve done. They move things from my piles or add things to my piles or put things in my way. Things are a bit chaotic. 

And I have to work around Jonathan’s work and meetings.  I’m only able to pack in our bedroom under certain circumstances. Namely: When he doesn’t have to be a major contributor to the meeting and just needs to listen. Or when the kids are otherwise engaged. And if what I need to do is quiet. This also assumes that the baby is not sleeping in our closet. Needless to say it has been interesting. Jonathan ended up going to the church for a few hours to work. And I feel like that was pretty helpful. Poor man, the church is frosty this time of year. While he was gone I got my groove back a little bit and got some good stuff done.

Did I mention that it snowed all day yesterday?  By the time it hit evening, there were like 6 inches on the ground.  And then it continued to snow overnight.  There is A LOT of snow on the ground.  It has been quite some time since it has snowed this much in Provo.  It’s very purty.  I will miss cooler weather.  There is a saying that in the Philippines the weather is Hot and hotter.  I am trying to enjoy this while I can (even if it complicates the whole moving process.)

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