Mt Pemigewasset Trail (07.28.22)

Thursday evening at our house is Mom’s Night Off (ie. MNO). After Jonathan finishes with work, I’m done for the day. He takes care of dinner, dishes, and the nightly routine. (He’s the best ever.)

Most of the time, I use the time to introvert. But, tonight, for MNO, I took Clara on a more challenging hike. She has been wanting to go on something more difficult for a while especially after doing the Beehive trail in Acadia NP. And frankly, so have I.

We did the Mt. Pemigewasset trail (which is only 15 minutes from our house! How cool is that!?); it is a 3.7 mile-long trail with a 1253 ft. elevation gain.

Also, let it be known that in addition to going on this hike with me today, Clara also went running with her dad this morning. She’s a tough chick.

The trail basically winds up the mountain through a lovely forest. It was incredibly beautiful. And it was really fun to spend really focused time with my Clara. That doesn’t happen often enough with a large family. We chatted the whole way.

We also got to see some interesting flora and fauna as we hiked.

Eventually we reached the summit!! And the views were amazing. There was a nice wind up at the top, which we both appreciated, because the humidity was definitely on the higher side today. So we were pretty sweaty.

Eventually, we made our way back down. We took it pretty quick on the way down because the forecast was projecting rain to start in the next little bit. And the rain here is no joke. It comes down hard and it comes down fast.

It started sprinkling at one point as we were booking it down. But, it stopped fortunately. And we made it down without incident!

At this point, we were both hungry and tired. So, we went into town and decided to get food at the Gypsy Cafe.

The food was pretty dang good. But our server forgot to put in our order for quite a while…. So, we were REALLY hungry by the time the food actually came.

After eating, we went home and we both happily went to bed shortly thereafter.

This was an excellent use of MNO. And now, of course, everyone wants to get in on the action. So, stay tuned for the MNO-Logan edition and the MNO-Jonas edition.


The next day, was a rest and swimming day.

We’re loving New Hampshire with all the hiking and swimming. It’s been a lot of fun.

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