
Aside from the Cemetery visit, our last couple of days in Atlanta were pretty quiet, basically they were spent packing and getting ready to go.

On Saturday morning, we finished loading everything up and then hopped in the car. On our way out of Atlanta, we grabbed breakfast at Waffle House, cause apparently that has just become a tradition.

And because this was not our first rodeo, we knew that one table is not enough for all of us. So I sat with Logan and Evie. Jonathan took Clara, Jonas, and Isaac. And we ate at separate tables. As always, the food was delicious.

After breakfast, we drove the 4 hours to Nashville. We arrived too early to check into our new place, and so we turned to our trusty list to find an activity.

We opted to go to Cumberland park. To let the kids play. And also, it is where the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge originates on the east side of the Cumberland River. (Note: John Seigenthaler was an influential journalist, writer, and political figure). (Also Note: This is the bridge where my brother Josh proposed to his wife 😍😍. Cute!)

After being in the car for four hours, the kids were very happy to be out of the far and to play at a park.

Clara, our bird nerd, delightedly scoped out some of the birds at the park. And she and I logged our very first bird in the Merlin app.

After playing for a while, we made our way to the bridge and walked across into downtown Nashville. As we walked, we discussed grabbing some dinner somewhere and admired the beautiful views of the city.

We arrived on the other side of the river and started walking around. And it got busier and busier as we walked. It turns out that we were walking the Honky Tonk Highway (aka Broadway St). Every place that we passed had live musicians performing. And of course, every one that we heard was incredibly talented. It was just a super cool vibe. But, there were SOOO many people. And it seemed like there were a lot of bachelorette parties happening too (sooo much leopard print on everything including cowboy boots and hats. Also sequins. And boas. And hot pink.)

We were kinda worried that we were going to lose someone. And after a couple of failed attempts to find somewhere to eat (Note, it was around 3:30! So, not like the typical dinner rush!), we decided that we would come back on a weekday to eat and explore more. And so, back across the bridge we went.

We went and checked into our Airbnb and decided to use an Olive Garden Gift card for dinner (thanks Peggy!) And then we all went to bed. It was a long, but good, day!

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