Nashville Zoo (03/28/22)

Heya Clara here. I haven’t done a post before so I don’t know if it’s good so please tell me!

(Jill will include a few small details, which will be identifiable by their italicized state)

That morning was pretty uneventful and went as normal. I slept in ‘cause that’s just what you do. (no school though, that helped 🙂 Jonas actually got all his zones done. (you’ll hear what he forgot) I had been online to see what types of creatures were there. Drum roll please….. Barn owls(!),lorikeets and all the common ones, flamingos, ostriches, and a peafowl(peacock)and such. So I was very excited and everyone else too. Today we were going to try to bring the yams. Lately we put the yams to bed then we go on a a-benture except for parks and little hikes.

NOT TODAY! We were halfway there and Jonas started saying he felt sick. Then he muttered under his breath “I should have eaten breakfast.” Well now you know what he forgot.

We got there and we headed in.

As we turned a corner there were hynath (hyacinth) macaws. They are SOOO PRETTY 

We went some more and we saw stanley cranes. Then we headed to the jungle loop.

Clara was so excited about macaws and stanley cranes that she forgot to mention what else we saw; like meerkats, flamingos that were strolling through the zoo with their keepers, and some swans.

Then we went to the unseen world

This was the reptile house, and also included the amphibians, fish, insects, etc.

And I can’t believe it, but Clara forgot to mention that there was an Aviary in the Unseen New World exhibit as well. As for me, I really liked all the plants in the Aviary. It was just so jungle-y.

And the flamingos

Even several days later, the twins have been talking about the flamingos A LOT: “The Flamingos were SO LOUD!” “The flamingos were SO big!” “Flamingos are pink”

I am skipping a lot but now the lorikeets…

Ok, I’m going to interject here a little bit. There were definitely a few noteworthy things between the flamingos and the lorikeets… Like bathroom monkeys. See slideshow below for details.

And Kangaroos, and the multi-animal Savannah exhibit.

Ok, now, back to Clara!

now the lorikeets…

I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and mom was even nice enough to buy nectar to feed them.

The cage itself was just a big box of cage so they could fly freely. We went in and i held out my nectar to a lorikeet next to me and guess what it did?

IT JUMPED ON MY HAND OH MY GOSH AAAAAAAAAAAA~!@#$%^&*I(OPP+_)(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()_+ 🙂  🙂

that was the first time that I have held a bird 🙂 :0 #ornithologists

(Jill here. I’m dying!! #ornithologists ??!!?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Also, all of the kids were successful at feeding the lorikeets. This was definitely the highlight of the day for everyone.)

Earlier in the day, when we had been to see the hyacinth macaws, we talked to the keeper for and she mentioned that she would be doing a “Keeper talk at 2. So, after we fed the lorikeets, we slowly made our way over in that direction.

sadly we couldn’t do the barn owls because their barn was under construction 🙁 (Poor Clara! She was very sad about that. And understandably so. She had been really looking forward to seeing them.)

then we played at a playground (A pretty amazing playground, actually, definitely one of the coolest I’ve ever seen. It was HUGE!)

then we left and i gotta tell you the gift shop was not great they had shirts bottles toys BUT no keychains postcards or stickers


and then we went home

It really was a great day. Everyone had a great time. And now all the kids want pet birds. Send help!

Thanks for writing today’s post, Clara, you’re amazing, you little Bird Nerd! ❤️

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