JONATHAN NO LONGER WORKS AT [THE COMPANY THAT SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS]!!!! His last day!!!!! YAAAAAASSSSS!!! That is the big news of the day!! #allthehappydances. Also, I have a cold : | Also, we no longer live in Manila. What!? In some ways I’m glad to be gone #cockroachinvasion. But, we’ve also had some really good times and made some good memories here.

In any case, we spent the day packing and cleaning. Of course, some cockroaches were killed. And we tried an interesting flavor of ice cream: avocado and peanut butter. And it was the most horrible ice cream I’ve ever eaten. The flavor was good, but whoa, the texture. I can’t even describe it. A mix between styrofoam and ricotta. Upon reading the ingredients, we learned that this ‘ice cream’ had been made from powdered milk. No flippin’ wonder.
Our rental car was delivered around 5 or 6. So, we used it to transport all our luggage to the place that it will be stored until we get back from all our travels. Then we got Mang Inasal. Which was Duh-licious. That is one thing I’m really going to miss (Josh, you feel me, huh?). It is only barbecued chicken and rice. Only better. We finished cleaning the apartment, and putting it back the way that it was before, and we hit the road.
Naturally, there was traffic in Manila, but Jonathan handled it like a boss. We drove for a couple hours and around 12:30, we ended up at the Besm Traveler’s Inn, which was a treasure. It was a strange place. I’m guessing it’s the Motel 6 of the Philippines. For the budget traveler. We were happy to have somewhere to lay our tired little heads though. Here’s a shot of the bathroom. #treasure.
That’s right folks. You can shower and take care of business at the same time. #multitasking
Dearest Jill
I love you! Keep writing!! and PICTURES. That is all!
Oh hi Mam!! Ok. I will. Bye.