To see part one of the highlight reel, please click here
Charlotte, NC
You can see the playground structures off in the distance. Happy camper! Downtown! Such a beautiful spot! Talk about perfect timing!! Happy Cacatoo. By the end she was navigating this like a pro. Yammy Bath time She who resisted her nap could resist no more. Perhaps I should have titled this section “People laying down in weird places” He camped out on the front walkway for some reason…..
For part 2, click here
Washington, DC
Can you believe the size of this!?! Turtle Well this might be my new favorite picture of all time. We love them! This was a good opportunity for us to talk to the kids about the Great Depression, This was in the gift shop disguise section. Bwahahaha!! Dying! Looking East I love Logan’s little heart hands. That Logie. I am so glad he decided to be in the pictures today. Big beautiful tree
Delaware/West Virginia/Shenandoah NP
New Haven, Connecticut
Washing Isaac’s hands I came out of the kitchen one day, and Logan was outside pushing Evie on the swing. What a good bro. She was really angry at me one day. I don’t even remember why. So she went and hung out with Dad while he worked. Oh yeah. That’s the good stuff. Reading party You can get pretty hot doing JustDance. Thank goodness for the AirCon Running buddies
Acadia NP & Bar Harbor
White Mountains, New Hampshire
I love this little fella It’s beautiful here Logan did a great job keeping up! They are so dang funny. Jonathan took this on his run this morning View from dad’s run with the kids. Frog catching The end of the trail! My precious… There was a single big rock next to the deep spot, and it was fun to jump from it.