Ogunquit Beach w/Friends (06.28.22)

One of our favorite families from Seattle (a family that includes Clara’s bff, Lily) was in Boston, visiting family. And they reached out to us to see if we wanted to meet up. We said “heck to the yes” and we decided to meet at Ogunquit Beach, Maine. It was a Tuesday, and so Jonathan actually took the day off. And it turned out to be a really good day to miss.

There were still a lot of people here despite it being mid-week. But it’s not surprising, since the beach itself is gorgeous!! It has lovely light colored sand and beautiful water. Plus, it is huge: 3.5 miles of sandy coastline.

Clara was so happy to see Lily and vice versa. They just love each other. And naturally, everyone else was happy to see each other too. It was really good to see a good friend: Lily’s mom Laura, was actually the one who threw me a little goodbye party when we left Seattle ❤️

The kids all had a great time together. The weather was a bit on the cool side, and so for a good portion of the day they just dug lots of holes, and built lots of sandcastles, and other structures. It was just lots of unstructured play time all while the adults yakked their heads off.

Of course, everyone took a break from playing for a much-needed snack break.

And then they were right back at it, playing and having a great time.

As the day wore on, the tide went out and so that meant that there was A LOT more beach to play on. We didn’t move our basecamp at all, and by the time we left the water was about 200 feet further away than it had been when we first arrived.

Eventually the time came to leave and to say goodbye to our friends. There was definitely some sadness. It really was wonderful to see such beloved friends.

We started the two hour drive back to the house. After we got some road under us, we stopped at a McDo for some dinner. The children inhaled their food. And frankly, so did Jonathan and I. There’s just something about playing at the beach all day that just makes you ravenous.

What a wonderful day.

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