Piedmont Park (02/16/22)

Well, we are getting back into our routines. We have been doing all the good things like….

And after the craziness of Orlando and theme parks, we are also ready to start jumping back into some lower-key outings. For today, we opted to go check out Piedmont Park, a 189-acre park located in downtown Atlanta.

Fun fact: Piedmont Park was designed by the sons of the guy that designed Central Park in NYC. #cute

So, off we went. And I got to practice my parallel parking skills. (I got really good at parallel parking while we lived in our first place in Seattle.) Unfortunately, my skills have atrophied a bit. But we got there in the end. It only took a couple tries. So, I deem that a success. (My pre-Seattle self would have been wildly jealous).

So, we entered the park, and we basically spent the rest of our in the vicinity of Lake CLARA (!) Meer. It was a lovely spot. And there were amazing views of the city in the background.

First there was a swanky swing.

Then the children had a great time climbing around on a superlative sculpture of a dogwood branch in bloom. The annual Atlanta Dogwood festival donated it to the city to commemorate the festival’s 80th birthday. #alsocute

We continued our meander around lovely Lake CLARA (!) Meer. And there was a gorgeous gazebo and a bodacious bridge.

(Footnote to the captions: Do you remember that? The Bulbous bouffant thing? It was back in like 2007 or thereabouts. So, don’t feel bad if you have no clue what I’m talking about. Also, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, I have a link for you. You’re welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uuCNAwXGaQ )

We finally made our way over to the prestigious playground. Which parties in our party were quite relieved about. They were so over the bodacious bridge and the gorgeous gazebo. Rude.

We basically hung out at the peerless playground until it was time to head home for our lovely lunch and necessary naps. Jonathan even had lunch waiting for the children when we got home. #HesThePerfectMan

It was a great outing. And the weather was lovely: cool and sunny. And the kids are already asking to go back.

I told them we could go back only if we got to see more of the swanky swing, the bodacious bridge, and the superlative sculpture.

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