Rain, rain go away (08.19-25.2024)

MONDAY (08.19.2024)

A low key morning. The kids had outside time.

And then I had to go get some blood drawn to check on my thyroid hormone levels. I took the twins with me.

Afterwards, the three of us went and got a carwash. We know how to have a good time.

And then, I put them to work helping to vacuum out the car. They had a blast…. at first …. Haha! Soon, they were over it and thought that I was being way too thorough.

The older kids had climbing club tonight. And the twins and I just hung out at home. Here’s a tough route that Logan was able to conquer:

TUESDAY 08.20.24

Originally, the plan was that the Phillips would come and meet us at the lake. But, it was quite a rainy day. And a high of 68. So yeah, not ideal for a day at the lake. Womp, womp.

Fortunately, they were willing to make the drive anyway! They brought snacks. and we pulled out some snacks and we just let the kids hang out and play. Our kids get along with each other very well. Genny and I just chatted for a few hours. It was delightful. She is a friend who really fills my cup.

I also worked out in the yard some, and picked a ton of flowers to bring into the house. They are magical right now!

And Evie legitimately beat me at Harry Potter Spot It. 16 matches to 10! That was not the case last time we played. She and Isaac play together a lot, and it shows. She has improved! Then Logan beat me 15-11 and I did manage to still beat Isaac (who lost very graciously! Way to go bud!)

WEDNESDAY (08.21.24)

The kids picked a bunch of blackberries from the bushes around our house, in the hopes of bullying their father into making blackberry ice cream. (Spoiler: it worked.)

Later, Clara had some friends over. There were many shenanigans.

In addition to shenanigans involving Timmy, the styrofoam head, they also had a great time braiding beads into everyone’s hair. And then they braided cheerios into Clara’s hair. Cause they’re nuts.

After they left, things continued as usual.

THURSDAY (08.22.24)

The big event today is that, Jonathan and I took Clara to Back to School day at the junior high. We talked to her counselor, got her schedule and computer, chatted with the athletics director, paid some fees and we got to wander around the building and see where everything was located.

To Clara’s delight, we arrived at the exact same time as one of Clara’s best friends (she was one who of the girls that came to our house yesterday) and so they got to pal around together while we checked everything out.

After that, Clara forced me to take her to JoAnn. She wanted more beads to put into people’s hair.

Lastly, tonight was Mom’s Night Off. Jonathan and the kids made blackberry ice cream for dessert and they added marshmallows. It was delicious. Very rich. Most excellent.

FRIDAY (08.23.24)

Another rainy/stormy day. We were actually supposed to go camping with friends last night and today. But it was supposed to be thunderstorm-y where we were going to camp and hike. Plus it was going to be a 4 hour drive each way. So, we all bailed in the end.

Jonathan and the older kids went running.

I got a flower press, and so the kids and I went on a walk around the neighborhood to find things to press. We found many beautiful options, despite the rain.

We had Costco pizza for dinner. Cause yum.

SATURDAY (08.24.24)

Jonathan and the kids went and cleaned the church. Very few people showed up. And so, Clara cleaned both bathrooms all by herself. I’m proud of her.

Jonas, Logan and Jonathan cleaned the chapel. And the twins mostly helped. Sometimes they hindered.

Afterwards, Jonathan took them to get well-deserved donuts.

While they were gone, I stayed home and cleaned the house and finished going through the boys clothes. We’ve had piles in the music room for a while now….🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

After donuts, everyone came home and we cleaned the house. It has gotten pretty messy over the last little while. Kinda like everyone is home all the time. The kids all had great attitudes about helping.

Jonas, Logan, and Jonathan played football in the yard for a while.

And we had a family movie night, we watched a classic (and one of my faves): Stardust.

SUNDAY (08.25.24)

Today, Logan gave his very first talk in Sacrament meeting.

A while back, Jonathan was trying to figure out speakers and was looking at a list and Logan saw him doing this and volunteered. At first Jonathan didn’t think much of it. But, Logan continued to ask, and so Jonathan put him on the calendar.

His topic was the 2,000 stripling warriors. And he did such a great job on his talk. Way to go little fella.

After church, it was Linger Longer which was grand

And then we had a quiet afternoon at home.

In the evening, a friend dropped by and we chatted for an hour or two.

The kids start school in 10 days. AAAAaaaah! It’s gone so fast!

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