Rest Days & Charlestown Navy Yard (08.21-25.22)

Sunday (08.21.22)

We woke up to the sounds of sniffling and coughing…. Well, crap.

Specifically, to Evie coughing and sniffling. So, we opted to have both twins stay home with me while everyone else went to church.

Sarah and Ezra went downtown to attend a Catholic mass at the beautiful Cathedral of the Holy Cross. And Jonathan and the three older kids attended church at the ward we’ve been going to.

While everyone else was gone, I ended up taking the twins on a walk because they were getting really loopy and I thought a little bit of fresh air might help all of us stay sane.

Unfortunately I forgot to grab the adaptors for the second seat from the back of the car… So, that was interesting. In the end, I just had them take turns sitting on the handlebars. We only tipped over backwards once. And the only thing that was hurt was my pride. 🤪

08.22.22 Last Full Day with Ezra and Sarah

So, last night, Sarah was awoken by the twins at 2 am. They had come down to her room in the basement. #creepytwins I don’t know why they did this, but they did. And so she walked them back up the stairs to their room.

At 3 am, I awoke to the sounds of them playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. 😂😂😂

The crazy thing is that they didn’t wake up anyone but Sarah and me (and I had earplugs in! I’m obviously a very light sleeper). All the kids slept through their shenanigans. Which we were very happy about.

Unfortunately, Evie’s sniffles/cough have spread. Honestly, I am not terribly surprised. We have been hitting it pretty dang hard. And so, Sarah went to the pharmacy, got supplies and we used our remaining time with Sarah and Ezra at the house, letting the kids just hang out.

They did Minecraft. They played in the sprinklers. They got underfoot. And they had a great time. Fortunately, this cold seems to be pretty minor.

08/23/22 Goodbye to Sarah& Ezra; Charlestown Navy Yard

On Tuesday, Sarah and Ezra got on their train and headed to NYC for a wedding and to spend time with her uncle. We dropped them off at the station that was that.

Later that night, I had a Sunset Yoga class that I had signed up for.

As I was looking around for things to do around Boston, this free class at the Charlestown Navy Yard came across my radar. I have never done an in-person yoga class and it’s on my live list** so I decided that a free one in a beautiful setting would be a great way to start. So I signed up.

(**A live list is a cool concept I came across on IG, it’s basically a list of 10 things that you want to do in the near future, to help you try new things, to challenge yourself, and to make sure you actually do those things that you’re always saying you want to do. You keep 10 things on it at all times. As soon as you check one item off, you replace it with another.)

Unfortunately, it was kind of sprinkly when the class was supposed to happen. So, it didn’t happen. And I hadn’t gotten any sort of notification that it was cancelled.

I figured I was already down there, I had paid for parking, so I wandered around for a little bit.

And it is such a cool area. I will DEFINITELY bring everyone back!

08/24-26/22- Getting Life Back in Order

We spent the next couple of days getting life back in order: getting rid of this dumb cold, grocery shopping, so much laundry and getting everything prepped for Jonathan, Clara, Jonas, and Logan to head to NYC on Friday. This entailed lots of errands.

Driving around Boston is a mixed bag for me; I love it and I hate it. On the hate side: it is quite the labyrinth, even with GPS (sometimes the actual road signs and the GPS directions do not agree with each other. For example: Siri tells you to turn left onto Route 3. But the road sign says that it’s Storrow drive. Both are accurate. It confuses me a fair amount. Fortunately, Siri is very good at “Recalculating”. She has been doing a lot of recalculating lately).

On the love side: There are so many AMAZING neighborhoods around here. Clara’s violin needed some repair work and so Jonathan had dropped it off a couple of days ago. And I went to pick it up. And, I basically drooled all over myself.

Another one of our errands was obtaining new shoes for Clara. Her Nikes were in such bad shape that we threw her old ones directly in the trash outside the store. I wish that I had taken a close up macro shot to document how truly thrashed they were.

Other than that, we’re just getting back into the groove of things. It was a bit of a rough re-entry back into doing chores and school and violin practice again. But we made it through. And Jonathan and the kids are excited to go to NYC!!

One Reply to “Rest Days & Charlestown Navy Yard (08.21-25.22)”

  1. Lol these are so fun to relive. Ezra has been reading them on the train and laughing.

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