Rest & The Ontario Science Centre (10.06-08.22)


Today, we decided to take it a bit easier. We ended up doing A LOT of walking yesterday on Centre Island (roughly 5 miles total). And so we were all feeling a bit tired.

All the same, Jonathan and the kids decided to walk over to a park that was pretty close to our house. They took the scenic route which was through a lovely greenbelt.

I, on the other hand, stayed at home to try to get caught up on bloggy pursuits. Having a husband who is on vacation is great.

At about lunch time, I drove over and picked everyone up and we headed to Koreatown.

We enjoyed the Bibimbap and the Bulgogi so much the other day that we decided that we should probably go back and experience it one more time before we have to leave.

The food was delicious.

But it wasn’t our most peaceful meal. The twins were definitely not on their best behavior. They each threw (at least one) fit when we didn’t give them what they wanted immediately, they spilled their water on average 1.5 times apiece, and I don’t even know how many times they dropped their silverware.

Eventually Jonathan just took them out to the car.

Peaceful Restaurant: 0, Urie family: 1

Lately, we have been having a lot more junk behavior than usual. And it’s honestly not terribly surprising:

  • they are missing their routines;
  • they’re tired from how busy we’ve been;
  • we’re still experiencing some fallout from the cessation of naps;
  • they’ve learned that they can get away with more lately because we have been spending a lot of time in public spaces where we’ve had to appease them for the benefit of the people around us.

So, we decided that the next day would be a REAL rest day.

10.7.22- Real Rest Day

And it was, in fact, a very restful day. Full of relaxing and rejuvenating pursuits, like snuggles and back-scratches…

And a reading/napping party. Best party ever.

The only exciting thing that happened was that Jonathan went to the grocery store. Isaac went with him. Just Isaac. That sure doesn’t happen very often.

We also did a family movie afternoon and watched Turning Red, which was enjoyed by all.

Today was a very needed and appreciated break from all the touring we’ve been doing.

10.08.22- The Ontario Science Center

The next day, we were feeling better about life and so we decided to go to the Ontario Science Center.

We began in the AstraZeneca Human Edge exhibit. In this part of the museum, you get to explore the wonders and possibilities of the Human Body. We spent quite a while here. It was all fascinating. The human body is amazing.

And it was very interactive. The kids especially enjoyed the rock climbing wall and the rowing machines.

Another popular exhibit was the interactive display that would predict what you would look like at various ages. Some of the computer generated images were downright frightening. (Especially the boys’ pictures. Creepy.)

There was a section dedicated to some of the amazing things that humans have been able to do. One of the most mindblowing to me was a sect of monks called “the Marthon Monks” who put themselves through a grueling 7-year ordeal called Kaihōgyō which entails, at one point, running 52 miles a day for 100 consecutive days.

After we had explored the Human body, we went across the hall to the Weston Family Innovation Center which had tons of interactive displays that allowed you to explore a lot of different scientific topics: magnetism, aerodynamics, microscopy, acoustics, etc.

One of the very favorite parts of this area was the wind tunnel, which pushed air vertically through a tube and you could try and fold different shapes with small pieces of paper to see how they behaved.

We ate lunch (which was a little bit crazy again.) We all sang the “We will never see these people again” song to ourselves. (Yes, we really have an actual song.)

and then moved on to the “Living Earth Hall.” In this area, there were a few aquariums with frogs and snakes (so, obviously, our boys loved it)

There was also a rainforest, which made me so darn happy. It was even raining.

Unfortunately, that meant that it was a bit slickery. So, Clara (who wasn’t even messing around) slipped on the bridge and her foot/leg fell through the net on the side (it was pretty weak-sauce netting). She was a bit sore and her shoe was drenched but she was ok.

The last thing we saw in this area was dedicated to water: the water cycle, water in habitats, the Great Lakes, and water in the body.

For the final activity of the day, we decided to go the Hair-raising Experience which was set to begin shortly. But we also found this interactive floor projection on the way there, so the kids enjoyed that for a few minutes before we made our way to where the Experience was happening.

The presenter spent some time talking about static electricity, and then fired up the Van de Graff Generator. People were able to go up one or two at a time to touch it. And this would make their hair stand up. There were about 20 people who went up before us. And honestly, having seen pictures of people who have done this before, I was surprised by how minimally people’s hair stood up. There were definitely some people whose hair stood up more than others.

But unquestionably my hair won the day. I have no idea what it was. But nobody else’s hair was even close to mine. It was crazy. I looked insane honestly. We were all dying. This is the proudest I have ever been of my hair.

After we managed to calm my hair down, we were ready to head out. I took the twins to get water, and everyone else went to wander the gift kiosk.

We then caught the shuttle back to the parking lot and we made our way home.

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