Go here for the first installment. 🙂
So, you’ll recall that we had just acquired a heck-ton of baby items. We left the Baby Company, put Juju in the new, shiny, happy-making stroller; attached various items to our old stroller; pulled up our britches; and went to the grocery store. Cause….groceries (ok, mangos…and diapers) were at critical levels….And… ’cause we’re dumb.
Fortunately, they have a spot where you can check in personal affects that you don’t want to carry around the grocery store. So we did that and felt free as jay birds, for the short time that we were actually in the grocery store. But it was enough. And I think we probably put more into our grocery cart as a result!
We had the bagger load everything into a box for us (so, I guess that makes him a boxer?). This is what we looked like when we walked out. We were a camel or two shy of a caravan. (Not Pictured: Jonathan and his man-purse). I honestly felt like a bit of a circus because we had So. Much. Stuff.
The two boys passed out while we were doing our grocery shopping: Juju in the stroller, Logan in the baby carrier. Lots of “Oh my goodness, look he’s asleep, how cute!” Poor little guy.
And then we went to Wendy’s. Cause…’Merica. And we figured it was not the time to introduce tired/hungry children to unusual food. So, we went into Wendy’s and we took up an entire back corner with all of our people and all of our stuff. Literally. We took up the whole back corner.
I went and ordered our food. Which was kinda fun actually, because it was not the Wendy’s menu I’m used to. It has the major items: frosties, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fries. But everything else is different, they have spaghetti and rice. And Egg rolls. We definitely ordered the egg rolls. And they were heavenly. I mean, look at the gleeful expression on her face 🙂
After all our food had arrived, I realized that I had failed to order something Logan-friendly. (really? REALLY?) I’m just accustomed to carrying around a couple containers of baby food so I have them at a moment’s notice. Fortunately, we had just been at the grocery store and we had purchased some yogurt. Unfortunately, that necessitated us unpacking the lovely job that the boxer did…
Eventually we got things re-situated. And we fed Logan yogurt. And then we spilled yogurt on the ground. And I started giggling. (Image below is me trying to get it together for the millisecond it takes to snap a picture.) I couldn’t contain the giggles because I was sure we looked SO UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!! And giggling is better than crying. Amiright? And everyone was staring at us…. that’s one thing that takes a bit of getting used to. I am so used to the American “Oh, I didn’t notice the food get spilled all over the floor!!” “Of course I can’t hear your child shouting” (We politely ignore or at least pretend to ignore). People have no such qualms here, and we get stared at a lot! I can’t quite decide whether it’s because we are a spectacle or because we’re white….with three little white kids in tow. ANYWAY….
After we destroyed ate at Wendy’s, we figured we shouldn’t go to another solitary place. Lest things start jumping into our carts or whatever. Jonathan insisted we take a taxi. So we did. We took a taxi for less than half a mile. Utterly ridiculous, but absolutely necessary! No regrets. When we got home, we walked in and collapsed. And giggled some more.