Revere Beach (08.20.22)

Well, after our rest day yesterday we were (at least a little bit) ready to go again. Today, being Saturday, Jonathan got to join us for our adventure. But first, he and Clara went running. Our house is basically situated at the top of a ridge. So no matter which direction you run, you will end up going very uphill at some point.

Today, with the weather being on the warm side, we decided to go to the beach. And to keep things simple (and since we have one seat too few for everyone) we decided to hit the beach nearest to our house: Revere Beach, which is a 10 minute drive.

One of the things that is great about Revere beach is that there are tons of seashells. I love seashells. No matter how many times I’ve gone to the beach, or how many shells I’ve collected before, I ALWAYS love looking for seashells. And the kids are all the same way too. So we definitely did some seashell collecting.

The water was a lovely temperature. A bit cool at first but you got used to it pretty quickly. So the kids especially enjoyed playing in the water.

And we definitely built some sand castles, in a most expert manner. All of the very large mussel shells, made excellent shovels/scoops.

Sarah ran to Wal Mart and got a cheap beach umbrella. It was a beautiful thing.

And at one point, Sarah was kind enough to get boba for everyone. Isaac wasn’t terribly clear on the concept. He kept pulling the boba out of his mouth to look at them. But of course, his hands had sand on them.

The kids continued to alternate between playing on the sand and playing in the water.

At one point, Clara, our Disney princess, managed to find and catch a hermit crab. And she basically spent the rest of the time we were there, catching them. She had a whole system worked out. Cause they were hard to see!

Eventually, we all started to get tired and hungry. So, we made our way home and immediately bathed the whole darn household. everyone.

It is amazing how much it sucks your energy to be out in the sun. So, we got pizza for an early dinner, watched “Lightyear” all together (very cute movie, btw) And we all crashed.

Another lovely day.

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