Sedge Hill Trail @ Beaman Park (03/25/22)

So, for today’s adventure, I wanted to check out a bit of the scenery away from the city. So, we drove about 20 minutes and voila! Nature!

We did the Sedge Hill Trail at Beaman Park. It was a very short, easy hike: 0.6 miles and not too much of a grade. Perfect for the twins to walk the entire way without me needing to carry them. #win

The area is still pretty wintery looking, but you can see that buds are starting to come through. I’ll bet the foliage makes this place magical during the summer.

As it was, we still had a great time collecting “coconuts” (aka acorns). And Evie stopped and petted just about every patch of moss that we passed by. That’s my girl.

Eventually, we found ourselves at the Little Marrowbone Creek. And it was a very interesting spot.

Nerd Alert! (I will italicize the nerdy geology content, so you can skip if you wish, it’s ok, I understand.)

One of the very first things that struck me as we got closer and closer to Nashville, were all the rock formations: thin slabs of rock, one on top of the other, all pressed together. You even see them in the middle of the city, where the rock has been excavated out to make way for freeways and such. I found it quite fascinating.

And you could see that these same geological features were all over the place at Beaman park too. The creek seems to have eroded away all the topsoil, until it reached the rock slabs. And so the creek bed was made up of enormous slabs of rock. And when one ended, another began. I have never seen a creek like that before. Obviously, it was really interesting to me. (I got a little nerdy there for a sec. It’s fine. 🤓🤓🤓)

Back to your regularly scheduled programming:

Let’s be honest, the kids didn’t care very much about the geology, they just wanted to play in the water. The water was shallow enough that you could walk across the creek and only get your shoes minimally wet. So I let them do that, but I didn’t let them get in the water. Cause it was a cold day. And the water was cold. And we still had to hike back to the car.

Alas. After playing for a little while, Evie slipped and fell. Cause the rock slabs were on the slippery side. But she handled it like a champ. Honestly, she is a tough little cookie.

Once she slipped and got all wet, we didn’t stay much longer. No hypothermia for us, thank you!

We all made it back to the car in one piece, and with a not insignificant number of ‘coconuts’ in our pockets. And when we got home, Jonathan had lunch all ready for the kids. He’s so handsome.

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