This past weekend, we went to the Skagit Valley Tulip festival. Jonathan got off work a bit early, we met him at the bus stop and off we went. We missed traffic in Seattle, but hit some a little further north. Between traffic and a dinner pit-stop, we arrived at about 7 pm on Friday.
We decided not to bother with the main festival area since they would be closing shortly, and so we just headed to some of the tulip fields. And I may have gone a little crazy taking pictures….
I just got a brand new lens. And I was delighted to try it out this weekend. I’m in love. Though our love nearly did not get realized over this particular weekend.
I ordered the lens over a week and a half ago, hoping it would arrive in time for the tulip festival. The day before we left, it was still located in Illinois (where it had been for about a week). But, I checked the tracking one last time, the day we left, as I was leaving to pick up Clara from school, and it had been delivered!!!!! Cheeeeehoooooooo!! #prayersareanswered #evensillyones
I was so stinkin’ excited. So the entire drive up, I was reading and googling so that I would actually be able to use my new lens to its full awesome. And these pictures are the results. Love.
It is my first prime lens. This means that it doesn’t have any ability to zoom. One focal length. But what you lack in versatility, you make up for in sheer awesome. It’s a one trick pony that is REALLY good at its one trick.
And let’s just talk about these tulips for a moment. They are just gorgeous. And there were so many. And so many varieties, though these fields definitely specialized in red. The kids loved them too.
We had a great time, even though we weren’t really doing much. Just walking in a field. With me acting like the paparazzi. Clara was especially enamored of all the tulips. She’s a flower girl.
Though, the boys also really enjoyed themselves. Logan was doing a lot of pointing.

And the timing worked out SOOOOOOO well. There were a couple of other parties that stopped by for a minute or two each, but we were the only ones there most of the time. And the light was just buttery. Yup. Buttery.

Jonathan, very helpfully, demonstrated ‘proper’ modeling technique for the children, and so our pictures got significantly sillier for a while…. Notice Jonas sporting the ‘throw off the coat’ move that his father demonstrated:

And to prove to you that I was there too:
Once it started getting too dark, we decided to call it a night and we headed back to our hotel. Logan was definitely getting tired. Those are tears of tiredness.

It was a lovely evening, and we are totally looking forward to tomorrow’s tulip adventures.
I love one of the pictures of your adorable son in the tulip fields and would love to have permission to use it on by business Facebook page as a harbinger of spring and tulip season this year. My business is Bellingham Travel & Cruise in Bellingham, WA.
I have just over 800 followers and would only use one photo this one time.
Appreciate your considering this and letting me know.