The tulip festival website recommended arriving before 10 am on weekends, after that, things start to get busy. So that’s what we did. But I don’t think that recommendation took rain into account….
It was gloriously empty. Muddy, but empty. It had started raining almost immediately after we left for the hotel last night and hadn’t ever stopped. And so it had been percolating all night long.
Fortunately, we brought rain gear and rain boots. And Logan was put in the baby backpack…. #hesleaning
….which he stayed in for about 10 minutes. Fortunately, he has a very nice dad. And a paparazzi mother to document the nice-ness of the dad. Unfortunately, the very nice dad lost his footing at one point, and knelt down in the mud. Although, all things considered, a muddy shin isn’t bad. 🙂
This particular field had many different varieties and colors of tulips. They were all lovely, of course…..

….but the ginormous yellow ones knocked our socks off. I LOVED them. They were my absolute favorites of the whole tulip festival.
Now, when I say they were big, I mean really big. The plants dwarfed Logan.
The blooms themselves were enormous too. (Manly hand included for scale.)

We spent quite a bit of time by that particular variety. Ahem…

Yep….. a lot of time.
Oh boy, we’re still here….
I warned you about picture overload. I can’t help it, ok? THEY’RE SOOOOO PRETTY!!!! Also, I love my new lens. Look at that bokeh.

Let it be stated fo the record: Juju is a total and complete ham…. Eventually, we made our way to other parts of the field to check out the other tulips. Clara picked up trash along the way. She was really bugged that people would just drop water bottles in the middle of these beautiful fields. #amensister
We went and saw another variety of yellow flowers….. Yup…MORE YELLOW!! This variety was more trumpet shaped. And there was a single red volunteer. Stand tall, little guy!

It was about this point that the kids had had enough. Clara’s hands were getting full. Logan was tired and both Clara and Jonas were cold.
This was not terribly surprising, as they had been stomping in every puddle they saw. They were drenched, despite the rain gear. Clara’s galoshes were literally filled with several inches of water.
Jonathan took the boys to the car while I took Clara on a quick potty break. The scene above was what met my eyes upon returning to the car. Fer cute.
One of the unforeseen awesome parts of making this an overnight trip is that we had warm dry clothing for the kids to change into. #win

We put them in their jammies, Logan ate the rest of his breakfast. And suddenly, we were feeling pretty good about life again.
But not good enough to check out any more tulip fields as a family. So, Jonathan rigged up the iPad and he and the kids watched a movie.
Off I merrily skipped to take pictures on my own for a while.
After I returned with my SD card significantly fuller, we decided to call it a day. We didn’t visit the main venues. But frankly, we didn’t care. We had a grand ol’ time. And we are definitely going to come back!! Skagit Valley Tulip Festival for the Win!!