Sullivan Island Beach, South Carolina (04/29/22)

This weekend, we went to Charleston, South Carolina! After Jonathan finished his meetings for the day, we took off.

It’s roughly a four hour drive from Charlotte to Charleston. And about 2 hours in, Isaac started feeling sick. We weren’t sure if it was because he was car sick or hungry… But he kept asking for a barf bag…. So, we stopped at a rest stop, got some fresh air, and ate our picnic dinner. It was a rejuvenating stop for all.

We then decided to head straight for Sullivan Island beach; we figured that even if we were arriving later than we’d planned, we’d at least get some time to hang out before sunset.

The part of Sullivan Island beach that we found ourselves at is quite small (I think we were also there during high tide). And so, it was perfect for us and our limited timeline.

I had all of our swimming gear and towels in the car, but, honestly, we were lazy and didn’t bother putting everyone in swimsuits. Plus the kids were just so dang eager to get out of the car and into the water, we just didn’t want to slow them down (and have to battle with them).

And the water was surprisingly warm, the internet told us that it was in the low 70s. So for our little polar bears, it was practically bathwater.

The sand was so fine that it was basically a powder. And it didn’t feel great getting it in your eyes. (Ask us how we know) Eventually, we got smart and moved Isaac downwind from us.

It was a beautiful evening at the beach.

And a great start to our weekend in Charleston.

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