I’m gonna come out and say it, the week was fairly boring:
We had sick kids. (Again. This is getting ridiculous!)
And we had some potty training regressions to work through.
And we were really focused on getting the kids’ math skills up to snuff. I looked up the math standards online for each of the kids’s grades and we started working through them to see where the hole’s are. And we started patching said holes.
Also. We’re just waiting for everything to be official on the house. Waiting is not my favorite thing.
01.10.23 Park
We went to the park one day, before everyone got sick. It’s a pretty awesome park and the kids had a great time. And I caught up on my Marco Polos.
Hanging at home with sickos
The next day, Clara was sick. And of course, over the next little while, it got passed around. So we had a lot of quality time at home to let the sick kids recover. Poor little lambs.
There were lots of random naps. Which was kinda fun. Naps are good.
Also, now that we are going to be in place for more than a month at a time, I have started to accumulate a pantry again. When our peanut butter ran out, I purchased the largest size of peanut butter that is available cause we don’t have to conserve space by buying the smallest one. Ditto with the olive oil! And I bought red wine vinegar! And flour!
I would say that a fully functional kitchen is the thing I have absolutely missed the most as we have been nomading . We just didn’t have the space for kitchen gadgets or ingredients. And so our diet was rather less varied than I like.
And so, I am so excited to be able to cook for real again. I tried out a new recipe that required red wine vinegar! And I made hummus from scratch! All these things are just such happiness for me.
Unfortunately, the recipe was not met with much enthusiasm… (I really liked it though!) but I’m excited to have a world of culinary possibilities open up to me!
01.14.23- Home Depot & Mattress Firm
On Saturday, everyone was feeling a little better. But the kids were all still fairly snotty. So, of course, we went to Home Depot. Don’t worry, the kids hung out in the car and watched a movie, while we went in and talked to the flooring guys for a bit and started scoping out the carpet and other flooring options. We’re just party animals.
And then, to really cement our party animal status, we went and looked at mattresses. Again, the kids stayed in the car for the majority of the time and watched a movie. But we brought them in at the end, so that Clara could test out her new mattress and give it a stamp of approval or not. (She gave the ok!)
I gotta say, I feel like we chose a good time to come. They have a great promotion running at the moment and we were very happy to take advantage of that! Mattresses are not cheap.
So, we will not have dressers or nightstands or bed frames, but we will have mattresses! Hooray!! Go team! We prioritize sleep!
After a day of partying, we came home and made dinner for the kids and put them to bed. Once the 4 youngest were asleep, we left Clara in charge and went out to dinner. There is a small burger/Mexican food place right around the corner that had really good reviews. And so we decided to try it out. And it was most excellent. Everything was delicious.
The next day (Sunday) I woke up and was definitely sick. So that put a damper on things for the next several days. Such cry. Especially cause I was supposed to go out to dinner with a friend. And I had to cancel. 😭😭😭😭
01.16.23- Martin Luther King Day
Jonathan took the kids to the Artists at Play park at Seattle Center, while I recuperated at home. It was a very restful day for me. Not so much for him…
Especially because they also went to the mall, because the boys have been begging to go buy something at a store called ‘Mind Games’ with their allowance. Cinnabon was also involved.
Quiet Days
As I continued to recuperate, we took things easy at home.
Jonathan Goes into Seattle for Work
The children were getting rather cabin-fevered. And so, we went to the park and let them run themselves ragged. It was great.
Saturday Adventures
It seems that sickness is spreading. Cause we were going to go on a little adventure with the McKean’s, some friends in Olympia, but their little guy woke up sick and so we had to reschedule.
So instead, we went on a little walk on the walking/biking path near our Airbnb. There were definitely snow flurries. So when we got home, we had hot apple cider. And we ordered pizza for lunch.
And then we went to Barnes and Noble to lovingly gaze upon all the books. Everyone had a great time. It was rough pulling everyone away. We’re book people.
On Sunday, we went over and had dinner with some good friends of ours from West Seattle. Their daughter is Clara’s best friend, Lily.
It was so cute, Laura didn’t tell Lily that we were coming. And she was so dang excited to see Clara she started happy crying. It was just the sweetest thing in the whole world. We spent a wonderful evening with them. Aaaaand…. I didn’t take any pictures. And also, we now kinda wanna buy a pizza oven…..