The Punkin’ Patch! (10.22.22)

After staying out late last night with the Lea’s, everyone slept in, including our early birds, Jonas and Evie. After everyone else had awoken, we had a nice slow morning. And after lunch we put the twins down for naps so they wouldn’t be demons later.

After the twins woke up, we made our way to Konow’s Corn Maze/Pumpkin patch, where we met up with the Lea’s. And may I just say, that pumpkin patch was BUMPIN’!! There were SO MANY PEOPLE THERE. Hundreds of people. It was crazy. I think in part it was the amazing weather, which was in the mid 70s; this was especially welcome after we’ve had a bit of a cold snap lately.

Also, it was just a nice place. There were a lot of different things to do. And it was all included in the (very reasonable) price of admission.

Also, the snacks were pretty good. Pretty soon after arriving, we got funnel cake and apple cider donuts to share and they were devoured in no time. (Later we ended up getting a huge bag of kettle corn. And that was some of the finest kettle corn I have ever experienced.)

While we were waiting for snacks, the twins (and their father) went and tried out the trikes in the Little Tyke area

Teeeechnically, Isaac shouldn’t have stolen this little tractor from the Little Tykes area, but we decided to just go with it and sneak it back later when he had moved on. It worked like a charm.

And then we managed to find a fairly secluded area with a good vantage point from which we could keep an eye on our children as they enjoyed the activities.

The most popular thing for our older three and the Lea’s youngest (who is Jonas’ age) was the jumping pillow. They spent a LONG time on that thing. And they got exceptionally sweaty and dusty. They legitimately looked feral.

Whenever a break was needed, there was a nice spider web to hang out in.

Once everyone started getting hungry, we went and got food (which, tbh left a little something to be desired, but we were able to continue partying, so it served its purpose.)

After we had eaten, we went over to the haystack. And the kids had a great time there.

We made our way pretty quickly through a lot of the other activities. Cause we wanted to do the corn maze. But it was definitely starting to get dark at this point.

Well, we were going to do the corn maze. And then we spent forever in the corn pit. Cause it was just plain fun. And so, we never got to the corn maze.

By this point, it was after 7, and it was going to close at 8. Aaaand we hadn’t even glanced at pumpkins at this point…

Additionally, the kids REALLY wanted to go back to the jumping pillows. So, we went to check out pumpkins; and basically, they each chose the first pumpkin they looked at; then they were immediately off to the jumping pillow. I have never seen children select pumpkins faster in my life.

Once the little kid pillow had been vacated by everyone but our party, I went and jumped on it for a minute with the twins. And I can see why the kids enjoyed it so much.

And we basically stayed there until we got kicked out.

But before we left, we managed to con an employee into taking a really great picture of our entire group.

And then we went home and hosed the children off. Cause they were DIRTY. We all had an amazing time.

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